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A Chama da Ascensão

A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! Quando o Poder do Amor superar o Amor pelo Poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. Na verdade somos todos UM!


Violet Flame
Seeking truth to be Free!

#SH_THOLE: Trump Trolls MSM In Advance of #FIREWORKS MLK Day 1/15/18

#SH_THOLE: Trump Trolls MSM In Advance of #FIREWORKS MLK Day 1/15/18. posted 1/12/2018 by Eliza Ayres Reblogged from roseramblesdotorg: Pretty good video here put out by You Are Free TV, so...please take a listen, what does your heart say, and... InJoy! Excellent video regarding the distractions driven by the MSM news... Presents what is REALLY going on behind the scenes which the MSM news refuses to cover. ------------------------------ *You Are Free TV* *Published on Jan 12, 2018* *SUBSCRIBE 27K**Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe* *Janu... more »

The Universe Is Listening ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.

The Universe Is Listening.The Creator Writings Transcribed by Jennifer FarleyJanuary 13, 2017. . Do you ever wonder why others always say, “Watch your words, watch your thoughts?” Some of you have noticed that your manifesting abilities have increased ten-fold. For those of you not used to it, this may come as a bit of a shock. (Smiling) A thought, any thought, you generate as you move through your existence has the potential to become reality in a very short amount of time. It is very important to keep this in mind because the amazing ‘by-product’ of this massive shift ... more »

Africa is Not Poor, Its Wealth is Being Stolen ~ Nick Dearden

Africa is Not Poor, Its Wealth is Being Stolen *By Nick Dearden* *Nick Dearden is the director of UK campaigning organisation Global Justice Now.* *Our climate crisis was not caused by Africa, but Africans will feel the effect more than most others, writes Dearden [Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters]* Africa is poor, but we can try to help its people. Our climate crisis was not caused by Africa, but Africans will feel the effect more than most others, writes Dearden [Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters] It’s a simple statement, repeated through a thousand images, newspaper stories and charity appeals... more »

The illusion is over ~ The 12 road

The illusion is over.THE 12TH ROAD JANUARY 13, 2018 Tonight, the words are loud and clear. It’s all over. The whole thing is over. There is no more, everything is halted, everything is eliminated, the trajectory has changed. It’s over. These words were coming through in relation to my own personal separation from Source and the pain and confusion the whole experience has created but then it shifted and the energy moved into a more expansive frequency. I can always feel the energy of the words shift from the personal to the collective. Some words are meant for my own healing, oth... more »

#Q: The REAL ‘PSYOP’ Exposed; SGT Report [video] ~ Jan. 12, 2018

#Q: The REAL ‘PSYOP’ Exposed; SGT Report [video] ~ Jan. 12, 2018 Posted on January 12, 2018by cindyloucbp Many thanks to *Starship Earth* for this one! Very good report and very concise… “It’s complicated”, is right. That was my opening line before I even watched the video. It’s complicated beyond belief and there is some really good dialogue coming out of the QAnon Phenomenon. I like the “cautious optimism” approach. When things get so bad you’re afraid to hope for anything good at all, that’s an unhappy place to be. I have great hopes for wonderful things that will be happening. I ju... more »

Opportunities for Growth and Expansion ~ Angel Wisdom, Sharon Taphorn

Spiritual Growth. Opportunities for Growth and Expansion.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.January 12, 2018. . You came here to experience, to explore, to expand. Think the highest thoughts possible and life will expand in that direction. As you learn to use the power that is within you, the opportunities to grow and expand increase. Make the time to connect more deeply with your spirit self to help you. As you begin to follow the promptings of spirit, you will find they come up more frequently. The more you feel and act upon this guidance, the more you flow with the energy of ... more »

Relax and Allow ~ Angel Wisdom, Sharon Taphorn

Allowing. Relax and Allow.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.January 11, 2018. . Quiet your mind and let your soul speak to you. It is important for your sense of wellbeing to get out of your way and allow. It is in the attempt to control the things you can't control that blocks start happening and the cycle of frustration continues. When this happens, stop for a moment, take some deep breaths, and remind yourself to relax and release your expectations for a bit and just allow things to unfold. Make peace with the present moment. This is where the manifestation takes place, no wh... more »

Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den Of Parasites’ Who ‘Feast On Blood Of Kids’

Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den Of Parasites’ Who ‘Feast On Blood Of Kids’ Posted January 12, 2018 by Edward Morgan Hollywood studios are “*drenched in the blood of innocent children*” according to Mel Gibson who claims the consumption of “*baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own.*” Hollywood elites are an “*enemy of mankind continually acting contrary to our best interests*” and “*breaking every God given taboo known to man, including the sanctity of children*,” Mel Gibson said in London, where he is promoting his role in Daddy’s Hom... more »

FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 1-8-18… “Financial war may escalate into massive EMP attacks as final showdown looms”

“Financial war may escalate into massive EMP attacks as final showdown looms”FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford JAN/08/2018Posted on 2018/01/11 by ... Full weekly report from Ben. I will add that the following “Through the Looking Glass” Kp blog posts may be helpful in understanding some of the “rabbit holes” Benjamin mentions… Post 1, Post 2. “The ongoing war over the control of the financial system, and thus control over the future of the planet, is reaching a dangerous crescendo, multiple sources agree… the U.S. military… used SpaceX to launch their s... more »

Fade to Black 1-10-18… “David Wilcock talks about Corey Goode’s Latest Update” MP3s

Fade to Black 1-10-18… “David Wilcock talks about Corey Goode’s Latest Update” MP3sPosted on 2018/01/12 by Kauilapele Image links to DW-CG article Goode, As most have probably seen by now, the great CG-DW UPDATE is currently out (Kp blog post), and the F2B video was posted hereyesterday. Here are MP3s which were prepared from the show. As before, I have removed all the music and so these are pure Jimmy and David (sorry metal guitar music lovers… it ain’t there). There’s 2 hours of audio, which I’ve split into 4 parts (30 min., 15 MB) and a complete version (2:06, 63 MB). I’ve also ...more »

James Gilliland Interview, ECETI Ranch – Highly Evolved Beings - January 12, 2018

James Gilliland Interview, ECETI Ranch Highly Evolved Beings January 12, 2018 Gilliland Ranch ECETI – Highly Evolved Beings – The Best Documentary Ever Published January 12, 2018 ------------------------------ *Tanks to *URL: RECENT POSTS - James Gilliland Interview, ECETI Ranch – Highly Evolved Beings - Fade to Black 1-10-18… “David Wilcock talks about Corey Goode’s Latest Update” MP3s - Max Steel Show – Interview w/Cody Snodgres – Choosing the Light, 2018-01-10 - Nature Walks – Wakodahatchee, 01.12.18 - Manifestation, Law of Attraction... more »

Blossom Goodchild, 2018/01/12 ~ Federation of Light.

The Federation of Light, via Blossom Goodchild, January 12th 2018. Good morning to you. The Energies, as they are settling on this Planet FEEL SO GOOD … when we make the choices to give time to acknowledge them. A lady wrote in saying that when she had listened to the GAME CHANGER video … she, all of a sudden … realized/felt … what a personal/universal … power station the spinal column is! Like a ‘Radiating technology Light Source.’ She asked if you would kindly speak of this? *Greetings to ONE and ALL. We are recognising the CHANGE upon your Planet as more and more souls ‘plug int...more »

As humans you want to live forever for the good times. ~ Saul via John Smallman, 2018/01/12

Everyone’s task is to be the Love that they are.Saul (Paul) via John SmallmanJanuary 12, 2018 - 2018-01-12-saul-audio-blog-for-friday-january-12th.mp3 - Saul Audio Blog for Friday January 12th You all have high hopes for 2018. Much has been promised and much will be delivered! The awakening process is proceeding apace, and this not new information, it is just further confirmation of what we in the spiritual realms have been telling so many of you over the last 2 or 3 years. Yes, that long! Nevertheless, major changes are occurring all over the world as humanity’s collec... more »

A Bright Tomorrow ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.

A Bright TomorrowThe Creator Writings Transcribed by Jennifer FarleyJanuary 12, 2017. . Now is the time, most dear one, to add tools to your ‘toolboxes’. Yes, you were born with your original gifts. These have served you quite well up to this point, however, it is time to grow and learn new thing to help humanity move toward the light! For every bit of darkness that is on your Earth plane there is a multitude of bright lights leading the way to a more compassionate tomorrow. This is not a war or a fight, just a lesson in becoming. It is time to *become!* Creator. ... more »

Ascension towards Perfection. ~ Prolotheos, Valdir Soares.

Ascension towards Perfection.Teacher: Prolotheos. Message received by Valdir Soares.Chicago, USA, November 10, 2017. *Prolotheos:* “Perfection is a divine value meant by the Gods to be shared with their creatures, even with those of the lowest evolutionary origin, like you on Urantia. The ascension scheme spread throughout the seven super-universes is the means by which you can become a perfected being and finally reach Paradise. However, while on the ascension path — which you have only started on Urantia — perfection is a goal and living is the technique by which to process it... more »

2018 Predictions And A Message From The Federation of Light ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

2018 Predictions And A Message From The Federation of LightGillian MacBeth-Louthan 2018 is the year of knowing, a pure undiluted unprovable invisible knowing. No more human excuses no more little girl antics, no more turning the other cheek to life and her demands; this is a ‘full frontal year’. For what births its self in 2018 has held a place in your biology for some time. It is like a blanket of healing that comforts a child. Just holding it gives one peace of mind, a place of safety, and imbues a visible hope. It matters not what brought forth the healing energies it only mat... more »

All is Moving Forward ~ Mike Quinsey 2018/01/12 - Higher Self

All is Moving Forward. Mike Quinsey's Higher SelfBy Mike Quinsey January 12, 2018 I cannot emphasise sufficiently what a fantastic achievement it was of yours to pass the marker in 2012. From here on you will begin to see the signs of positive change around you, and the quicker the vibrations increase, the quicker they will manifest. In general terms some of the most important changes that will affect everyone are with the general lifting up of the vibrations. The higher energy will transmute the lower energies so that negative actions will begin to lose their power, and the ultima... more »

Picture the Jewels ~ Mother Gaia via Galaxygirl

Picture the Jewels Mother Gaia via Galaxygirl Greetings children, it is I, Gaia. I greet you with unbridled joy and excitement as we are advancing together hand in hand, in step towards our ascension, the great awakening of awakenings. Picture the jewels of my body and let them adorn your hearts with embellishment and joy. They sing, can you hear them? Align with me to transport you deep with the crystal caves of your distant memories where your lives have been stored. You come here before and after every life on me – do you recall this room brimming with energy and potential? ... more »

Back to the Cay ~ Eliza Ayres

Blue Dragon Journal Back to the Cay Nature Walks, 1/11/18 by Eliza Ayres Morning Marsh Hen Nature Walks, 1/11/18 - Back to the Cay It's been about two weeks since my last visit to the Green Cay Wetlands. When I looked out the window today, a bright blue sky and sunlight greeted me, in sharp contrast with some of the rather gloomy weather we have experienced in South Florida of late. And last week, brrr. I did get out to take walks in Delray Beach but took few photos. So, today, it was back to the colorful environs of the wetlands and its inhabitants. The water levels in the... more »

The Next Big Jump… ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.

The Next Big Jump…The Creator Writings Transcribed by Jennifer FarleyJanuary 11, 2017. . The current lull in activity may leave you saying, “Wait, what?!” It has all the signs of a rest period, however, the overwhelm and tension is still in place. Please remember there are layers (think alternate dimensions) within each shift so, even though it *feels* quiet and a little boring, there is still a great deal of ‘busy’ going on. It is very important to remain grounded during this time, take immaculate care of yourself and keep breathing (Smiling). The next big jump is on it... more »

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