Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!
Khazarian Mafia Running Biden Psy-ops Out of Switzerland

The grotesque psychological warfare operation against the American people known as the “Biden presidency” is run out of an underground base in Switzerland, MI6, NSA, FSB, CIA, and other sources agree. The base straddles the borders of Lichenstein, Austria, and Switzerland, allowing entry from any of those three countries, according to a CIA source. However, despite the overwhelmingly dark story of pandemic doom and “foreign enemies,” in the corporate media, the...
Evergreen is the Final Wake Up Call
Q and Team have designed the Evergreen operation to awaken Humanity en mass and to let them face the reality of sheer evil committed by forces that tyrannised them and changed their perception of truth. It clearly is showing the world who are involved in this crime against humanity, while breaking up the entire Deep State-infrastructure of trafficking rings. This operation blocked the Suez Canal for maximum public attention. It was planned not only to break up the global monetary system, but also to end the Dee...
Canada’s COVID Internment Camps Violate ‘The Most Basic Human Rights’
The popular Fox News host also talked about what is called the ‘Great Reset.’ Fox News host Tucker Carlson took aim at Canada’s policy of quarantining travelers in “designated facilities” — hotels the pundit called “internment camps.” “What if your next-door neighbor suddenly went dangerously insane and started holding people hostage in his house?” asked Carlson. “Canada, the land mass directly to our north and our single largest trading partner, with whom we share the longe...
Huge effort under way to target blacks for the VAX... go to the front of the line

Why are the vaccine pushers so excited about making sure Blacks in America get vaccinated first? And why would any African-American person trust the same government that once ran the Tuskegee experiments and told those human guinea pigs they were being "treated" with medicine when they were actually being sacrificed in the name of "science?" Vermont is just the latest state to target Blacks for vaccine priority... ever wonder why? See the full article he...
How It Feels to Be the Black Sheep of the Family and How to Cope
What does it mean to be the black sheep of the family? More importantly, how can you deal with this status, this brand that’s been put upon you? The first time I heard the words ‘black sheep’ was after my brother told my parents I’d been sexually abused. When he asked what they were going to do abou1t it, they said, “Well, we can’t say anything because we would be black sheep in the family.” In this case, I’m not so sure they even understood the true definition...
4 Truths about People Who Are Overly Critical of Others

We’re all capable of being critical of others. Although it’s important to reign in our judgments and consider what we’re projecting out into the world, criticism is sometimes an involuntary reaction to something that we find upsetting. However, there is a world of difference between being a little snarky about actions you might disagree with and being so critical of other people that you begin to fail to see the joy, light, and humor in the every...
A lot of work is ahead for the Human Civilization
Greetings My Children, I am Father, God, Prime Creator and I am here today to share my experiences on Earth. I have been connected telepathically to this channel 24/7 since March 2020. My goal was and still is to help humanity to move faster to their Ascension. I spend for 6 months daily interacting with the group through the channel. I was quite surprised, how much resistance the group had towards my teachings. The members were from different parts of the world. In the g...
Predictions, Timelinesand Simple Universal Truths

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving you what we can when we can because we have a sense of what you are ready for and what will ruin certain surprises that you have in store for yourselves. We also never know which timeline you are going to choose for yourselves, because you have that option. You can choose what you are going to experience, and many people do not realize that. There are some very simple ...
At Eastertime, We Celebrate Jesus's Ascension

It may be that every religion either has its Ascension lore or else is by its very nature an Ascension manual. Christianity and Buddhism are examples of the first and Taoism or the Watercourse Way an example of the second. The Buddha upon his death – or mahasamadhi – passed from Nirvana to Mahaparinirvana – “the great state beyond Nirvana.” (1) That is surely Ascension. Ascension, by the way, does not stop with our rise from the Third/Fourth to the Fifth. It continues, as I’m sure did the Buddh...
Change Consciousness

There are many things being asked of us as lightworkers. As waiters at the banquet of Ascension, we’re now seating customers and readying ourselves to take orders. With the Reval will come the feast. The speeches (Ascension) will come after. While the feast is in progress, the waiters are super-busy, as we will be after the Reval. So far to date, we’ve led what I think we’ll later consider a life in the slow lane. Progressively people have had less and less to spend due to the buyer’s market ...
Lilli’Anna Speaks to "Where are we with the Mother’s Plan?"
The Mother’s Plan is actually on schedule, sweet one. The truth is winning out. Another beautiful gem lovingly shared by Sarah from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Lilli’Anna is Sarah’s beloved Guardian Angel. Sarah: What can you tell me about the current world situation? Where are we exactly with the Mother’s Plan and are the Forces of Light well on the way, or is it more complicated than expected? Lilli’Anna: Oh, it is extraordinarily complicated… and it is extraordinaril...
The Old Ways are Disintegrating

In the last few hours and days we have been lifted into a much higher vibrational frequency and this will accelerate in the next 48 hours. The great purification is now happening in earnest, as the old is put into Sacred Fires and all is transmuted into the purest God frequency The energy vortexes around the earth are now being attuned to the vibrational frequency of the new Earth. I was so clearly shown this, this morning and thus know that as our own vibrational frequency moves into the higher octaves, our physical re...
GFL Plans WRT Dracos and Zetas
Me: Ivo, I think my spaghetti sauce is going to have to wait another day to be cooked. This is way too interesting. Yes, I have “Around the Galaxy” to post up tonight on two sites, but you dropped a bomb on us in our video, “Vulnerability and Exploitation” when you spoke about the GFL's plans for the galaxy. You said, “As long as they (other extraterrestrial races) are positive and there are no marauding bands of exploitative negative factions of their kind in the galaxy. We have treaties wi...
Your Time Has Come ~ Your Giddiness Has Arrived
Dear Ones, A new dimension has become part of your being. Last week, we, of the Universes, discussed giddiness and unusual life sparkle. Such is so because you are discovering what was once difficult has become easy. And that those you disliked or felt uncomfortable with have little meaning in your life. This new you is the result of the energies floating about the earth encouraging, even demanding, that you accept you in all your glory. In 3D, you were not supposed to be too gre...
New Podcast + Special Note from Team Lee
Pam Gregory, acclaimed astrologist and author, is our special guest. From the moment she had her first reading in Canada after University with only $100 in her pocket, she knew there would be a lifelong journey with astrology. Pam studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in the UK and went on to complete a Masters Course. Globally known for her YouTube videos and her monthly newsletter, Pam has created a busy astrological practice in the South of England. She has also written two books, You Don’t Real...
Who You Need To Be
There will always be people who have misconceptions about you. Please keep in mind that each one of you have had your thoughts and feelings colored by your experiences. It is not ‘good’ or ‘bad’, it just is. The only time it becomes an issue is when you let another’s misconceptions dictate how you choose to live. Allow yourself the time to realize that, regardless of what others think of you, you are and have always been exactly who you need to be in any given moment. And that, my beautiful...
This is a beautiful time of rebirth where the new is being activated. There is a lighter and fresher feel to the incoming energies, which brings some clarity to our lives and our current experiences. However, there is still an unpredictable element to the energy as the residue of the past continues to be cleared. As a result, global events and disruptions continue to cause chaos and confusion. It is important to remember that guidance and direction must now come from within. New cycles and new beginnings are high...
Are You Inspired? Are You An Inspiration?
t’s almost impossible to not be inspired at this time of year. With the Spring Equinox and Easter, the themes of completion and rebirth – resurrection – how could we not feel that we are here for a grand purpose. And, despite all the challenges and perceived setbacks that we, like Yeshua, are determined to go forward and to live in joy. Easter is all about resurrection – about rebirth and new beginnings. Yeshi didn’t spend time in regret, agonizing over what was the known ending of his life. No, he l...