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A Chama da Ascensão

A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! Quando o Poder do Amor superar o Amor pelo Poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. Na verdade somos todos UM!


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Why Do People Gossip? 6 Science-Backed Reasons
 Are you a gossip? I admit I’ve gossiped about people I didn’t like in the past. I’ve even been aware of it at the time. The thing is, I’m one of those annoying people that says ridiculous stuff like ‘Say it to my face’ or ‘I prefer straight-talking people’. So why did I gossip? Why do people gossip? *My Experience with People Who Gossip* “Whoever gossips to you, will gossi...
5 Unhealthy Parenting Styles That Create Imbalanced Children
Everyone has different views on how to parent children. They have resulted in a variety of parenting styles.* There is no doubt that all parents want the best for their children, and do their utmost to raise them well. While their intentions are honorable, some parents may use methods that cause their children to become unbalanced mentally, emotionally and socially. So, what is the relationship betwee...
We Form a Nucleus
Approach me with a joyful heart. There is no need to be anxious or stifled when you desire to establish a living connection with me, your divine Indweller, as I Am all heart. I am a divine Fragment hailed from Paradise to tutor you in love and light, teaching you the ropes of love-in-action, thus activating you as one of my own. “My operational platform is in close proximity to your emotional heart since I coach it toward the emotional free...
Historic court case reveals that NO safety studies were conducted on any vaccine over thirty-two years, as was required by law
 Prominent vaccine injury lawyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joined up with Del Bigtree of the Informed Consent Action Network to hold the federal government accountable on the issue of vaccine safety. In the 1970s and 1980s, there were mounting medical reports of vaccine injury occurring in children. The reactions were mild to severe and sometimes deadly. The reactions were often the result of a very reactive vaccine adjuvant that caused sever...
How To See Auras  Wouldn't it be great to see how people really feel about you, about themselves, and about life in general? Auras display all kinds of information that can help you in your dealings with others. What if you could see auras, or see them better than you ever have in the past? Other people's auras show things that you can use to help them in many ways, often by encouraging them to pursue paths of inquiry - ones that their intuition will...
Your Mind and Your Emotions
 Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are completely fascinated by humanity’s ability to complicate something that is inherently simple. It is not the whole of you that makes something complicated. It is only your mind that does such things. Why would your mind make something more complicated than it actually is? Well, quite simply, your mind is usually protecting your ego. Your mind is protecting the part of you that feels emotion, and it...
Abundance in Its True Form
 I am Lord Melchizedek greetings and welcome to all beings, I extend my light, truth, and my love, I am Lord Melchizedek. I am a collective energy and yet you may see me as a single source, a source of light that oversees the Universal Level and brings forth wisdom, love, knowledge, and the divine plan from the Creator. It is an honor to be in your presence today and I wish to speak of abundance, abundance i...
The Result is a World that Works for Everyone
 I was saying earlier that wealth can magnify one’s sense of entitlement, one’s resolve that “I won’t take this anymore.” In the worst case scenario, the inner Hitler emerges and we become a little – or a large – dictator. Events are conspiring – and I won’t name names because people have a right to their privacy – to mirror back to me my own sense of entitlement. Gawd, is it painful to see oneself as one is. My sense of entitlement hit a dead-end road recently by virtue of my having been in a ver...
Letting in the Light  Ring the bells that still can ring,forget your perfect offering,there is a crack, a crack in everythingthat’s how the light gets in. ~ Leonard Cohen, Anthem I’ve noticed that as soon as I stop focusing on a sufficiently complex activity to keep my mind occupied, I automatically seek out the most troubling problems in my current reality and refocus on them. I will transition from pleasant absorption in a book or an engaging conversation to the misery of how awful things are in a nanosecond. This doesn’t seem like a ...
Get Ready for the New Multiverse
The entire universe is going through an evolution in consciousness. Mankind is at the threshold of a new dimension where we understand ourselves as an aspect of God. It’s the birth of a new era that world religions have been prophesying for millennia. We are at the end of all the yugas, the end of this time as we know it and about to enter a more enlightened age. The heliacal spiral of spirit is penetrating and informing the outer reaches of his own mind and calling us to our new home where the divine and human merge. ...
Your Spiritual Gifts, Abilities and Mastery Are Coming   Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always tempted to overstep, to offer too much assistance to humanity, even though we know that it serves you very well to face your challenges head on and to access everything that you need from within. We know that this journey you are on is often seeming as though it is much too long and with far too many twists and turns, and we have so much compassion for you when we...
Being Transparent  Being transparent may seem easy but, oftentimes, ends up being the most challenging. Standing in your truth and letting others ‘see’ you for who you are takes a great deal of strength. On the days you do not feel totally up to the challenge it is OK to remain quiet and peaceful, riding the waves as they come. Always remember, you are loved and appreciated for your courage in being one of the few that step forth first. ....
NEW MOON  We are gearing up as we move towards this month’s New Moon on the 11th. The energy of this New Moon offers a time of opening where we are guided towards something new. A transformed vision of the future is forming, and our powers of manifestation are being amplified shifting us out of any feelings of stagnation and inertia. As a result, the next few months will be a time to make new decisions, to take new directions and to let old fears, worries and concerns sink into the past. The tides are changing, and you are being libera.


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

What Has Changed and What is the Same?
When you look into a mirror, who do you see? Do you see who you want to be? Or do you see who you have always been? Perhaps, you may feel the "who" you have always wanted to be, but you do not know when that day will come, Or how that change will occur! Also, when you look into the mirror, are you pleased with your self? Or do you judge your self before you even know if there will ever be "a great change?" In other words, do you feel like you are the Boss of your own life? Or do you feel as though others are in y...
One Truth Within   I am Mary Magdalene and I am here today to make you remember that you are one with the divine, that your Holy Grail is within you. It is a great revival that is now moving across the earth. People wake up from their deep sleep and discover that they have a different reality within them than the one they see in what happens on the outside. They begin to question their truths, the truths of others, and the truths that appear in the media. What is really ...
Your Choice   Ivo: I wish to bring up a few examples for the audience to consider. Me: Great, thank you Ivo. Ivo: So many of you wish to own your own home, but your home will put you in debt for the balance of your life, until most are in old age. Why? This is because of the interest rates on your home and because you will end up paying for that home two or three times over by the time your mortgage is paid off. Do you really think that owning a home is such a benefit to you when you understand that you will be indebted for...
Look Forward to What is Coming  Do not be afraid of the future! Take courage, have confidence and enjoy the things that are coming. Changes from the light reach the earth and the hearts of people are touched by the divine light. The dark plans fail on all lines and those who have chosen the light and decided for the love of God enter HIS kingdom. Beloved people, I am JESUS CHRIST. The days are longer and we are in a new year. The awakening continues and more and more people remove t...
A Vision for Complete and Utter Freedom  We see a world where the powers-that-be on this planet suddenly see the great benefit to themselves and everyone else that comes as a result of their changing their behavior so that now they no longer attempt to control others by any means whatsoever. Likewise, we also see a world where the part of ourselves who has allowed us to remain under the thumb of others suddenly sees the great benefit to everyone concerned in changing our own behavior so that we are no longer allowing ourselve...
There is Plenty you Can Do
 Thought Adjuster: “The external circumstances have little to do with the inner development of a human being. Your legends of spirituality usually portray the enlightenment of an exceptional personality as something that happens after a period of retreat, as in the case of the Christian tradition of Jesus’s forty days in the desert, or Buddha’s wandering from place to place. This suggests...
The Veils Must Be Removed Slowly  Honored light workers, light warriors, truth seekers, healers of Mother Earth and more. It can now be so frustrating for you, not to mention anything else. The needle eye you go through of lies, injustices and untruths that you also want to implement in humanity. You see it, you are awake and you know what truths must come to light before we can bring about change. So frustrating dear ones. A symbolic image we can se...
Scientists Find Evidence Of Toxic Chemicals In Your Face Masks  Scientists have found toxic chemicals in preliminary analysis of face masks. These toxic substances found on face masks also involve carcinogens, allergens and controlled substances. Masks are used by general public these days mandated by governments in order to prevent Covid-19 infection. However, experts are concerned that toxic chemicals in face masks can cause unintended health issues. Before pandemic, China was the leading mask manufacturer of the world and solidified this position ...
Their real plan: The vaccinated will die; the unvaccinated will be hunted
 The globalist extermination plan for humanity is now accelerating. The covid vaccine "death wave" (likely to explode this Fall) will likely kill tens of millions, but that's not nearly enough for the anti-human criminals in charge. They're also building concentration camps and passing laws (in New York already) to round up the unvaccinated and throw them into camps for mass extermination. This is the Holocaust, version 2.0, the "covid camps." And it's coming to ...
Anticipation  Look forward with anticipation to the coming of each new day. Exciting experiences unfold, wishes are granted and thoughts become reality, all in the blink of an eye. Are you anticipating? ...
KEEP AFLOAT  In our world dualistic thinking has governed our experience of life. As such our lives have been divided into opposites of light / dark, joy / sorrow, love / fear. We have had to know each side in order to explore and reestablish balance. Currently our awareness is deepening which is enabling us to clearly see and understand the root of our suffering. For some this is an extremely painful process as the depth of their pain is experienced. For others it is a liberating time of expansion as they are finally freed from the con...


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Discernment is recommendated
Strange Alive Worm-Like Fibers Found in Face Masks Produced for COVID
AT A GLANCE... *THE STORY:* It sounds like science fiction, but it's real life. Strange, microscopic fibers that move of their own volition have been found by many independent researchers worldwide embedded in the disposable masks used for COVID. *THE IMPLICATIONS:* It is too early to say precisely what these mask fibers are, however they certainly resemble Morgellons fibers – synthetic and self-aware. Evidence of mask fibers is popping up all over the net, as video after vide...
In Front Of You
Some of you may find yourself holding on to bits and pieces of the past because, in that space, you felt safe, loved and understood. You have even managed to keep a little bit of that time with you no matter what the cost to your current self. Dearest one, it is time to finally let those moments go knowing there will be plenty of opportunity for you to create new ones. You cannot see what is in front of you if you are looking over your shoulder at the past. r love and let those not yet awa...
There is a new world awakening within us which is shifting our priorities, how we think, how we feel and how we perceive ourselves. As a result, life as we have known has changed and we are being offered the opportunity to engage with life in a new way. There is an underlying excitement building this week as the energies intensify urging us to shift gears and begin moving forward slowly. This is a defining moment where you can begin to harness the power you need to transform your current circumstances. You are bein...
The Powerful, Positive Energies Upon You
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are loving the way that humanity has been opening up to the recent energies that have been upon you. We love to see any human being stopping, getting out of their head, and resting long enough to let something that is higher vibrational influence them. It is like watching all of you grow up. We get to experience what it is like to be a proud parent to each and every one of you, because we...
Wealth Can Magnify our Vasanas
A guy in a diner ~ I was saying earlier that wealth can magnify one’s sense of entitlement, one’s resolve that “I won’t take this anymore.” In the worst case scenario, the inner Hitler emerges and we become a little – or a large – dictator. Events are conspiring – and I won’t name names because people have a right to their privacy – to mirror back to me my own sense of entitlement. Gawd, is it painful to see oneself as one is. My sense of entitlement hit a dead-end road recently by virtue of my having been in ...
In Alignment with the One
I was doing some research in my readings with Michael and came across a passage from Oct. 30, 2020, which I overlooked at the time and which I’m sure he wanted posted. It’s a tall order he makes of us here at GAoG. I hope at the end of the day he’s happy with the results. Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 30, 2020. Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News, Archangel of One, Servant of the Moth...
No Mans Land
No Mans LandBy Hawke (UK), Reader.April 7th, 2021 Namaste fellow woken beings, Whilst meditating earlier today, an area which entered into my thoughts was the question about "No Man's Land". That this very plain is not ours... It doesn't belong to us; we do not own it nor will we ever own and one could say that we are leasing it with our vessels as the deposit. We cannot escape this horizon as this level has been captured by those seeking power to rule over others... Am I wrong to think this? The claimed ownership of dirt, seized by power to harvest Man's kingdom


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Your light is rising up as the darkness dissipates
Greetings beloved angels in form, walking on hallowed ground of the New Earth in the making. We see you as holiness in progress, exploring deep purpose and forgiveness in this time. This one has been having ascension symptoms presenting as spine pain for over a week as have many of you. Be encouraged, for your etheric wings are strengthening in the gusts of the energetics that surround. You are growing stronger, wiser, braver, bol...
Inner Conflict and Pain Avoidance
Folks, if you've bought a copy of our new book, “Around the Galaxy,” through Smashwords, you may have received a flawed copy. I have tried to upload it several times and what Smashwords calls “the meat grinder,” which is what they call their manuscript processing software, has posted copies with blank spaces and missing pictures. If you've received a copy like this, please return it. I'm still working on this. Hopefully, this new version is correct. Amazon's processor is more author frien...
Today, this day in early April 2021, is a wonderful day for we are at last free, we are free, we are free, of the deception perception. We lightworkers, starseeds are moving into the love vibration. We are moving out of time, as it exists on earth, and into the now moment of eternity. And we loudly and proudly proclaim it to the universe. For we have been enmired and enmeshed, imprisoned in the fear filled, third dimensional, planet earth, hologram schoolroom. And ... 
Takes One to Know One? But I ain’t One
I was having a discussion which revolved around pedophilia and Epstein and I found myself saying, for the second time recently, I don’t know anything about why someone would visit, stay on at, or return to Jeffrey Epstein’s island. I really don’t. To say something intelligent about it, it’d have to be in my field of experience or memory or something. It takes one to know one. Like that. But the problem is: I ain’t one. Why would a person torture a young child and capture their adrenochrome-rich blood? W...
The Most Elusive Captive in the Universe
Meditating among liars and retreating sternly into myself, I see* *that there are really no liars or lies after all…* *And that each thing exactly represents itself and what has preceded it,* *And that the truth includes all…* *And henceforth I will go celebrate any thing I see or am,* *And sing and laugh and deny nothing.* ~ Walt Whitman, All is Truth There’s not a whole lot about truth that seems self-evident, these days. Yours is yours and mine is mine and never the twain might meet. I hadn’t counte...
Christ Conciousness Frequencies Incoming
 I wanted to drop a quick note about the energies are streaming into the planet are really amazing. It is pure Christ Consciousness. I see it as a beautiful blue diamond shimmering light. While these energies are coming from outside of us, they activate what is already within us. Like a light switch these frequencies help to turn on the coding within us that contains our divinity and the path to our highest knowing, being and understanding. Sit for a moment, go still and connect in with your heart space. ...
New Ascension Simulation Portals
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of opening new portals all around your planet that will give you a taste of what your ascension experience will be like when you tune in to the energies coming through these portals. We know that many of you feel ready to complete your ascension now, to move on from the fourth-dimensional Earth, and we can appreciate that desire. However, we invite you to appreciate what a monu...
Our Galactic Family is Calling to US! Are we ready to hear them? "OUR GALACTIC FAMILY" *TO ENJOY THIS MEETING* *PLEASE CLICK THE BELOW LINK:  ...
Sweden Cancels Bill Gates Geoengineering Project To Block The Sun Due To Catastrophic Consequences
Bill Gates has proposed and funded a geoengineering experiment to determine whether blotting out the Sun with aerosols could reverse global warming. This experiment was undertaken by Sweden’s space agency. But now they have called off this project as they are facing a great opposition from the environmental activists. [image: Sweden Cancels Bill Gates Geoengineering Project To Block The Sun Due To Catastrophic Consequences] The experiment wa...
Examine Yourself
I am Judas and today used to be a day of sorrow, everything was quiet and still and the shortcomings of humanity were mourned. We can also see it as we bury our imperfection and begin to move to the light of perfection. We rise to a new dimension in our minds and hearts. Jesus was a guide and tried to explain to the people of that day which way we were meant to go. He tried to do this through his own life and with different stories taken from their own...
The Last Days In Jerusalem
Beloved people, you messengers of God and angels in human form. Do you know who you are? Gods from eternity, from the light of all being. There is no separation between us, except that which you yourselves have determined through your lack of awareness and have thus called into your lives. Truly I say to you: We are all one! Unchangeable and all time, from eternity to eternity. I greet you and your heart fills with my love. The power of all life from the ...
Is My Marriage Over? 10 Ways to Know for Sure
Is My Marriage Over? 10 Ways to Know for SureSherrie Hurd, A.A. ** *April 4th, 2021* From the fights and disagreements to the silent treatment, have you asked yourself one important question, “Is my marriage over?” I’m no marriage counselor, but I’ve been divorced before – make that twice. The thing about my first marriage is that I knew it was dead years before I asked for the divorce. No matter how many times I tried to make it work, something kept coming between my ex-husband and me. I should have seen the red flags because they were everywhere. And this is ho...
Nature and Our Planet Talk Series – The Forest is a Sponge
The Prepare for Change Nature Restoration Group is inviting you to join Antoine for a monthly class / talk about forestry and nature. Each month Antoine from le Rêve de Gaia Foundation holds a ZOOM class that elaborates on his most recent post in the Nature and Our Planet section of our website During his class, he gives a short presentation followed by a delightful question and answer session. Saturday 10 April at 17.30 Paris time This Saturday the topi...
This Eternal Adventure
The Beloved: “An education you shall have My child, because I hold the pattern and blueprint of your eternal life in My Hands. I know all your capabilities and potentials the Eternal Creator has endowed you with, and I, as the ultimate Gift from the Father, have brought My own Endless Gifts of unfoldment to you. Surely child, your trusting Me more and more can only serve you to your advantage. Once you realize more clearly My will for you, why w...
A New World of Hope and Great Possibilities
What if we could completely transform the world so that we could experience true freedom and opportunity like never before? The 2011 film "THRIVE: What on Earth Will it Take?" posed that question and unpacked the obstacles and the opportunity between us and a truly thriving world. It became one of the most widely seen documentaries in history, with over 90 million views in 27 languages! Now, the sequel, "THRIVE II: This is What It Ta...
Show Your Love
You are being called to your purpose…even if you are not sure of what it might be yet. Each of you waking up to and walking in your light are needed. Engage your original gifts as well as your newly learned skills, show your love and let those not yet awake know you are there for them. ...
Balance is central to where we are right now and maintaining balance is key to harnessing the incoming waves of energy. To truly sense and feel our way forward our balance must be sound and the four key aspects of ourselves, our hearts, our body, our mind and our spirit must be aligned. These four aspects form the foundational corners of our lives and as such need to be stable. With this stability we find we are no longer controlled by doubt and fear making it easier to both sense and feel our soul’s guidance ...
Evergreen is the Final Wake Up Call
Q and Team have designed the Evergreen operation to awaken Humanity en mass and to let them face the reality of sheer evil committed by forces that tyrannised them and changed their perception of truth. It clearly is showing the world who are involved in this crime against humanity, while breaking up the entire Deep State-infrastructure of trafficking rings. This operation blocked the Suez Canal for maximum public attention. It was planned not only to break up the global monetary system, but also to end the Dee...
Canada’s COVID Internment Camps Violate ‘The Most Basic Human Rights
The popular Fox News host also talked about what is called the ‘Great Reset.’ Fox News host Tucker Carlson took aim at Canada’s policy of quarantining travelers in “designated facilities” — hotels the pundit called “internment camps.” “What if your next-door neighbor suddenly went dangerously insane and started holding people hostage in his house?” asked Carlson. “Canada, the land mass directly to our north and our single largest trading partner, with whom we share the longe...
Huge effort under way to target blacks for the VAX... go to the front of the line
Why are the vaccine pushers so excited about making sure Blacks in America get vaccinated first? And why would any African-American person trust the same government that once ran the Tuskegee experiments and told those human guinea pigs they were being "treated" with medicine when they were actually being sacrificed in the name of "science?" Vermont is just the latest state to target Blacks for vaccine priority... ever wonder why? See the full article he...


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Khazarian Mafia Running Biden Psy-ops Out of Switzerland
The grotesque psychological warfare operation against the American people known as the “Biden presidency” is run out of an underground base in Switzerland, MI6, NSA, FSB, CIA, and other sources agree. The base straddles the borders of Lichenstein, Austria, and Switzerland, allowing entry from any of those three countries, according to a CIA source. However, despite the overwhelmingly dark story of pandemic doom and “foreign enemies,” in the corporate media, the...
Evergreen is the Final Wake Up Call
Q and Team have designed the Evergreen operation to awaken Humanity en mass and to let them face the reality of sheer evil committed by forces that tyrannised them and changed their perception of truth. It clearly is showing the world who are involved in this crime against humanity, while breaking up the entire Deep State-infrastructure of trafficking rings. This operation blocked the Suez Canal for maximum public attention. It was planned not only to break up the global monetary system, but also to end the Dee...
Canada’s COVID Internment Camps Violate ‘The Most Basic Human Rights’
The popular Fox News host also talked about what is called the ‘Great Reset.’ Fox News host Tucker Carlson took aim at Canada’s policy of quarantining travelers in “designated facilities” — hotels the pundit called “internment camps.” “What if your next-door neighbor suddenly went dangerously insane and started holding people hostage in his house?” asked Carlson. “Canada, the land mass directly to our north and our single largest trading partner, with whom we share the longe...
Huge effort under way to target blacks for the VAX... go to the front of the line
Why are the vaccine pushers so excited about making sure Blacks in America get vaccinated first? And why would any African-American person trust the same government that once ran the Tuskegee experiments and told those human guinea pigs they were being "treated" with medicine when they were actually being sacrificed in the name of "science?" Vermont is just the latest state to target Blacks for vaccine priority... ever wonder why? See the full article he...
How It Feels to Be the Black Sheep of the Family and How to Cope
What does it mean to be the black sheep of the family? More importantly, how can you deal with this status, this brand that’s been put upon you? The first time I heard the words ‘black sheep’ was after my brother told my parents I’d been sexually abused. When he asked what they were going to do abou1t it, they said, “Well, we can’t say anything because we would be black sheep in the family.” In this case, I’m not so sure they even understood the true definition...
4 Truths about People Who Are Overly Critical of Others
We’re all capable of being critical of others. Although it’s important to reign in our judgments and consider what we’re projecting out into the world, criticism is sometimes an involuntary reaction to something that we find upsetting. However, there is a world of difference between being a little snarky about actions you might disagree with and being so critical of other people that you begin to fail to see the joy, light, and humor in the every...
A lot of work is ahead for the Human Civilization
Greetings My Children, I am Father, God, Prime Creator and I am here today to share my experiences on Earth. I have been connected telepathically to this channel 24/7 since March 2020. My goal was and still is to help humanity to move faster to their Ascension. I spend for 6 months daily interacting with the group through the channel. I was quite surprised, how much resistance the group had towards my teachings. The members were from different parts of the world. In the g...
Predictions, Timelinesand Simple Universal Truths
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving you what we can when we can because we have a sense of what you are ready for and what will ruin certain surprises that you have in store for yourselves. We also never know which timeline you are going to choose for yourselves, because you have that option. You can choose what you are going to experience, and many people do not realize that. There are some very simple ...
At Eastertime, We Celebrate Jesus's Ascension
It may be that every religion either has its Ascension lore or else is by its very nature an Ascension manual. Christianity and Buddhism are examples of the first and Taoism or the Watercourse Way an example of the second. The Buddha upon his death – or mahasamadhi – passed from Nirvana to Mahaparinirvana – “the great state beyond Nirvana.” (1) That is surely Ascension. Ascension, by the way, does not stop with our rise from the Third/Fourth to the Fifth. It continues, as I’m sure did the Buddh...
Change Consciousness
There are many things being asked of us as lightworkers. As waiters at the banquet of Ascension, we’re now seating customers and readying ourselves to take orders. With the Reval will come the feast. The speeches (Ascension) will come after. While the feast is in progress, the waiters are super-busy, as we will be after the Reval. So far to date, we’ve led what I think we’ll later consider a life in the slow lane. Progressively people have had less and less to spend due to the buyer’s market ...
Lilli’Anna Speaks to "Where are we with the Mother’s Plan?"
The Mother’s Plan is actually on schedule, sweet one. The truth is winning out. Another beautiful gem lovingly shared by Sarah from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Lilli’Anna is Sarah’s beloved Guardian Angel. Sarah: What can you tell me about the current world situation? Where are we exactly with the Mother’s Plan and are the Forces of Light well on the way, or is it more complicated than expected? Lilli’Anna: Oh, it is extraordinarily complicated… and it is extraordinaril...
The Old Ways are Disintegrating
In the last few hours and days we have been lifted into a much higher vibrational frequency and this will accelerate in the next 48 hours. The great purification is now happening in earnest, as the old is put into Sacred Fires and all is transmuted into the purest God frequency The energy vortexes around the earth are now being attuned to the vibrational frequency of the new Earth. I was so clearly shown this, this morning and thus know that as our own vibrational frequency moves into the higher octaves, our physical re...
GFL Plans WRT Dracos and Zetas
Me: Ivo, I think my spaghetti sauce is going to have to wait another day to be cooked. This is way too interesting. Yes, I have “Around the Galaxy” to post up tonight on two sites, but you dropped a bomb on us in our video, “Vulnerability and Exploitation” when you spoke about the GFL's plans for the galaxy. You said, “As long as they (other extraterrestrial races) are positive and there are no marauding bands of exploitative negative factions of their kind in the galaxy. We have treaties wi...
Your Time Has Come ~ Your Giddiness Has Arrived
Dear Ones, A new dimension has become part of your being. Last week, we, of the Universes, discussed giddiness and unusual life sparkle. Such is so because you are discovering what was once difficult has become easy. And that those you disliked or felt uncomfortable with have little meaning in your life. This new you is the result of the energies floating about the earth encouraging, even demanding, that you accept you in all your glory. In 3D, you were not supposed to be too gre...
New Podcast + Special Note from Team Lee
Pam Gregory, acclaimed astrologist and author, is our special guest. From the moment she had her first reading in Canada after University with only $100 in her pocket, she knew there would be a lifelong journey with astrology. Pam studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in the UK and went on to complete a Masters Course. Globally known for her YouTube videos and her monthly newsletter, Pam has created a busy astrological practice in the South of England. She has also written two books, You Don’t Real...
Who You Need To Be
There will always be people who have misconceptions about you. Please keep in mind that each one of you have had your thoughts and feelings colored by your experiences. It is not ‘good’ or ‘bad’, it just is. The only time it becomes an issue is when you let another’s misconceptions dictate how you choose to live. Allow yourself the time to realize that, regardless of what others think of you, you are and have always been exactly who you need to be in any given moment. And that, my beautiful...
This is a beautiful time of rebirth where the new is being activated. There is a lighter and fresher feel to the incoming energies, which brings some clarity to our lives and our current experiences. However, there is still an unpredictable element to the energy as the residue of the past continues to be cleared. As a result, global events and disruptions continue to cause chaos and confusion. It is important to remember that guidance and direction must now come from within. New cycles and new beginnings are high...
Are You Inspired? Are You An Inspiration?
t’s almost impossible to not be inspired at this time of year. With the Spring Equinox and Easter, the themes of completion and rebirth – resurrection – how could we not feel that we are here for a grand purpose. And, despite all the challenges and perceived setbacks that we, like Yeshua, are determined to go forward and to live in joy. Easter is all about resurrection – about rebirth and new beginnings. Yeshi didn’t spend time in regret, agonizing over what was the known ending of his life. No, he l...


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Receive More from Our Incoming Energies
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of creating many more partnerships with those of you in human form, because we know that you are willing to partner up with us, and because you are such a necessary part of the process of raising the consciousness of the entire human collective. We need all of you just as much as you need all of us in order for this help that we provide to have any kind of effect on the ...
Highest Probable Ascension Outcomes
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you. In the spiritual community, there are few, or none that talk about the specifics of Ascension. Why? They don’t know? Don’t want to instill fear? Can’t predict the future? But this isn’t about that. This experience is unique for everyone, yes, but the overall, highest probable out...
FDA Not Properly Inspecting Plants Where Vaccines Are Manufactured
After it was recently announced that Merck & Co. would take over producing some of the experimental COVID “vaccines” for Johnson and Johnson, an FDA whistleblower has now stepped forward to reveal that the FDA is not properly examining production facilities where these experimental COVID shots are being produced. The pharmaceutical trade publication FiercePharma reported today: An FDA inspector-turned-whistleblower claims the agency soft-pedaled vio...
Ascension Amnesia Shift Symptoms
Ascension Amnesia Shift Symptoms**Posted on 04/03/2021 by EraOfLight [image: schumann resonance eraoflightdotcom] Transforming to a Higher Frequency Divine Human – Suddenly, you can’t remember what you have known for a long time—a person’s name, what you did yesterday, last week, and especially conflicts and disharmonic situations—periods of forgetfulness not caused by neurological conditions and so-called age-associated memory impairments. This Ascension Amnesia is a big letting-go to the imprint energy patterns that have kept the human in lower trance and lock...
It Is Time To Remember
We are going to take another trip in the wayback machine to refresh the memories of those who are critically thinking, research impaired suffering from acute denial and cognitive dissonance. When the big chemical companies brought out DDT despite the warnings and sprayed it on everything including the children the “authorities’ said it was safe, a miracle solution nothing to worry about. They created nuclear energy as the new clean energy, ignited nuclear bombs without even knowing th...
CIA Explains Consciousness, The Matrix, Meditation, Holograms, And Telepathy In Declassified Files
In this document the CIA Explains Consciousness, The Matrix, Meditation, Holograms, and Telepathy In Declassified Files. This is a long read, but perhaps well worth it. The deep state has known about this stuff for a long time. *Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY* *US ARMY OPERATIONAL GROUP US ARMY INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY COMMAND FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MARYLAND 20755.* [image: cia conscious...
Jeffrey Epstein Threatened To Feed His Victim To Alligators and Raped Her In front Of His 8 Year Old Son
A woman has alleged that Jeffrey Epstein kidnapped and raped her. She was sexually abused by Epstein in 2008 at his palm beach. He also repeatedly raped her infront of his 8 year old son. Jeffrey Epstein then threatened to feed her to alligators if she shared the incident with anyone else. The victim, a real estate broker has complained about it last week and filed a lawsuit. As per the lawsuit filed and made public by the Miami Herald...
When the Human Guinea Pig Vaccine Takers Start Dying, It’s Straight to Nuremberg
Most takers of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are unaware of the dangers of the experimental vaccines they are taking, an explicit violation of the Nuremberg Trials Code under which Nazi German Dr. Josef Mengele was tried and convicted. The Nuremberg Code requires fully informed consent of subjects in medical experimentation. Nor are many even aware they are experimental. A January 6th statement from Pfizer says: “The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-...
Daylight Saving Time
As you probably know, so-called daylight saving time has begun in most of the United States. It began a bit later in Europe. I have never been a fan of the twice-yearly time switch. I know the arguments for and against it. But it never made much sense to me. In fact, I love these words from a wise old Native American: *Only a white man would believe you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.* *Spirit* As Johnny said, there are arguments for and against da...
You are all now in the process of uncovering your awareness of your true nature.
There are, as you cannot avoid noticing, enormous changes of a most impactful nature occurring worldwide at present – of course, there is *only *the Present/Presence – that are a major aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. The good news of Love is flowing into people’s awareness as never before in your human history, partly as a result of the massive increase in cognizance worldwide of the Oneness of humanity and of *all life forms* on your be...
Your True Essence
For our last message in our week-long series on presence, we wish to offer you this. Your presence – bringing as much of your true essence, into your body, fully engaging in the Now moment, is embodiment and from there all things are possible. April 2, 2021 Dear Ones, you can’t have presence without being willing to feel. Feeling allows you to have the full experience. Feeling doesn’t need to be overwhelming. If you are uncomfortable with diving into feeling fully, you can slowly enter and explore your feeling...
A Vision for Taking Our Time
We see a world where we are taking our time once again; where the stresses and struggles of life are no longer causing us to act hurriedly because we have found a balance within ourselves that has let us know, unequivocally, that we do ourselves no Earthly good by stressing or worrying about anything. Instead, we have gleaned the wisdom in slowing down and finding the joy in the wondrous journey we call life. *Tony Burroughs*. - *Labels: A Vision, Mother Earth, pristine, Alignment Project,...
Gift Of Love
The undeniable proof of Universal Love surrounds you; the way a parent looks at their child, the way lovers touch, the way old friends greet each other with a hug. Still need more? Look at yourself! The Universe created you with love; you are its gift of love to your Earth-plane. ...
The Purpose Of Mass Meditation And Why It Is Needed NOW!
There has never been more isolation than 2020. Already, we were collectively shifting into the 4th dimension of digital space, leaving 3D behind. Molecules were steadily getting replaced with pixels, and physical bodies by selfies and avatars. However, this year really passed the tipping point into full-blown, solitary confinement where the ‘real’ and ‘unreal’ could truly be questioned. There are many ways to spin this year’s tumultuous events, but every coin nonethele...
All of Life is a Learning Experience
That may sound like just a glib statement, but in fact it’s 100% true – in my estimation. Look at life this way. The purpose of life is to know who we are, our essence, our true selves, our one identity. We know the value of that to God: When one of us realizes who we really are, God meets God. For that meeting was everything we see (and don’t see) created. If that’s the case, how do we learn our true identity? Life is designed in such a way that, like a funnel, it slowly guides us back to God. The u...
You can bring manifestation quickly through your power of thought
There is so much going on behind the scenes that cannot yet be made public knowledge, but it should be sufficient to say that all progresses well. The size of the tasks ahead would be beyond your imagination; they involve many thousands of people working for the Light who are gradually dismantling the web of control that the dark Ones have built over a great period of time. It has taken years of planning to build up to the point where the Light...
Your Liberation Day is Almost at Hand!
Dearest Diana, thank you for contacting me on this auspicious day. I AM your Mother God, the Divine Mother to All. Your Father, the Divine Masculine is here with me and of course, is represented in my words to you. For yes, I would love to give a message to my Children on Gaia. Dear Children, time is running short. The great cosmic clock has been set and is counting down to your sweet liberation from tyranny!! You are just seconds, minutes away ...


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

A new study that analyzes RFR and EMF in light of the SARS-C.... virus has found compelling evidence of a radiation-C... connection. AT A GLANCE... *THE STORY:* A new study from January 2021 analyzes the close similarities and effects that EMF radiation and C... have on the human body. *THE IMPLICATIONS:* While the study doesn't prove causation, it shows a preponderence of evidence that wireless radiation effects could easily be called 'C.....' There is no need ...
Divinity Within
Audio Greetings divine beings upon the Earth, I am Master Yeshua, I greet you with love and peace. I bring into your energy being the vibration of the Creator's harmony. May this enthuse all aspects of your being bringing everything that you are and are creating into harmony and balance. I come forth to discuss with you the divinity within and I ask myself what is it that you need to know about the divinity within? Each of you hol...
A New Understanding
During this monumental time of change, you may feel as if you have been abandoned and left in a desert of loneliness. Each of you is experiencing these changes in a different way and you may feel like the only person moving through a sea of uncertainty. Please do not give up, my beautiful one! Along with the changes will come a new understanding of yourself and others like you have never known before! All the joy, love, happiness and wondrous things you have been waiting for are jus...
In our westernized societies we have elevated our mind believing that this is how we control our experience of life. In response we generally ignore, bypass or deny our emotional self and our soul. As a result, we can be shocked into turmoil and chaos when these aspects are ignited. On our journey of awakening, healing and evolution we must learn to feel our emotions and connect with our soul. We must remember that feeling is the language of the soul and the tool we use to connect with our intuition. For the...
Vaccines, other c...d-related issues; energy; lightworkers
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Of most concern to many of you is covid vaccines, so let us begin by addressing your questions and comments about them. Vaccines cannot separate you from Source or prevent personal ascension, the evolvement in conscious and spiritual awareness that continues until the immortal soul returns to its Beginnings within the pure love essence of Creator Source. What does affect that journey is...
Becoming Your Universal Self
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are awakening within you the knowing that you have a past in this galaxy that extends beyond your solar system, and at the same time, we are giving you that knowing that you have a future in the higher dimensional realms. You have been ninth dimensional before, and you will be ninth dimensional again. You have been Arcturian before, and you will visit our star system again. If that weren’t true, then ...
Building the 5D Barn
Baking piesfor barn raising day, we praythat no lightning strikesagain.~ Linda Oatman High, Barn Raising Day* Listening to “Building the Barn” (from the movie Witness), doing the little dance I always do—an erratic, every-move-is-perfect jig—I ponder the piece’s awkward 5/4 time signature that just can’t be squared up like more traditional time signatures. Nonstandard time is challenging to learn and to play. The broken flow makes it nearly impossible to instinctively move your fingers on your instrum...
The Center is Where I Need to Make my Home
We all tend to exaggerate a little, don’t we? Two of the things that concern me about life after the Reval have to do with our impact on other people; specifically, the employees of our foundations. Let me paint a scenario in which the two factors play. We’re now the head of a large and wealthy humanitarian foundation. Several waves of the prosperity program keep us topped up and we’re irrigating the planet. We handle more money than people have ever done on our planet. The outlay of $200 billion ...
Learning Obedience
Me: St Germain, I read in a book which was published by “Ascended Master Discourses,” that you said that the first thing that must be learned is obedience. I'd like you to explain that please because when you say obedience, I shudder. St G: Hello, Sharon, I am St Germain, at your disposal. I would be most pleased to answer your question regarding obedience. Of course I must state that the one you must obey is God, for in your obedience to God, you are free. Me: Kind of sounds like an oxy-moron. St G: A...
Listen more closely to the body for healing
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. We are quite busy, as you can well imagine. The energies on your planet are chaotic right now. This requires intense focus for what is occurring. Nothing is happenstance. It is purposeful in this part of realigning the earth energies for ascension. The same applies to you and your physical bodies. They are messengers of what you need to heal and r...
Growth is the Effect of a Willingness to Change
Such growth tends to feel like a challenge to the parts not meant to enter the next unfolding stages of your evolution. You may even ask yourself, “Are my choices more rooted in who I’ve been in the past or aligning with a newer version of self I am daring to become now?” Whether each day feels like a quantum leap into new dimensions of possibility or baby steps toward a life of greater happiness you are learning to be worthy of accep...
Entitlement is the cornerstone of prejudice. Imagine that, so many of us believe ourselves to be better than others. Yes, and their behaviour shows it. The other day, I confronted a delivery man who was blocking my driveway, blocking my car from backing out, I'm sure “just for a second.” No, no seconds. Not even milliseconds. There is a three car expanse in front of my apartment which is three driveways abreast. It's not some kind of special spot for entitled drivers to park their cars, and believe me, he wasn...
The Blessing
The Blessing By Judith KuselPosted April 2, 2021 What you bestow on blessings upon others returns to you. We have forgotten how to bless those we love, we have forgotten how to bless places, people, things, creation. In ancient times the parents would, when the son or daughter reached maturity, have a ceremony of blessings. Indeed, blessing your children, with all the love in your heart and then giving them the freedom to live their own lives, is the greatest of all blessings you can bestow on them. Indeed, that is why water and food, when blessed changes into the highest vibratio...


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Planetary Situation Update
COBRA: March 31, 2021 - Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have managed to clear practically all Chimera space fleet and most Chimera underground bases. Chimera underground bases that are still remaining are much more difficult to clear, as they are connected to the Cabal infrastructure on the surface. The main Chimera underground base under Lake Kivu in Congo with the spider king and queen has not been cleared yet. The Light forces are also rapidly clearing quantum primary anomaly around the Earth. Quantum primary anomaly is a rando...
Lighting the Way to Better Realities and Timelines
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are illuminating a path for our ascension because we enjoy creating our reality, even though from your perspective, it must seem incredibly easy to do so when you are a ninth-dimensional, non-physical collective. The truth is, we just enjoy the process. We enjoy bringing something to fruition, because we have no doubt and we have no fear. There is no wondering as to whether we ...
Those taking vaccines are shockingly ignorant of the criminal fraud behind Big Pharma
Those taking vaccines are shockingly ignorant of the criminal fraud behind Big Pharma*By Mike Adams**NaturalNews* March 31th, 2021 Those taking covid vaccines right now are shockingly ignorant about the facts revealing criminal fraud across Big Pharma. Nearly every single vaccine manufacturer operating today has a history of science fraud, bribery, kickbacks, price fixing, illegal marketing and more. Big Pharma corporations have proven again and again it's never about health... it's always about their bottom line, no matter what the cost to humanity. Even former executives of to...
Feel Truly
Dear Ones, your full presence with others is such a loving, supportive gift. When people feel truly seen and honoured in their truth and beingness, they feel acknowledged and accepted. Five minutes of full presence with another is worth more than a full day of distracted time together. Love others enough to be fully with them in the Now moment and you will see your relationships bloom, because your presence will be met with their presence, and from there profound connection can occur. Arcangel Gabriel. *Shelley Youn...
The Spirit Lives On. Forever
The Beloved: “Once you realize that this life is only a miniscule step into a glorious, eternal journey heavenward, it makes your life far more interesting. This is an everlasting truth, and worthy of thoughtful consideration. “How is it that your myriad friends – the countless ones that even now have passed over into a new life – can assist you in the mortal estate? “By realizing that this is so, and as your departed siblings become more...
Hi my friend, It’s always a blessing for me to connect with you in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it! April is a high energy month, with great personal and collective change in store. If the month of March felt like it was a bit all over the place for you, especially on an emotional level, know that you are not alone! We have all been moving through timelines that have us consciously and subconsciously processing our feelings, emotions, and t...
A Vision for the Highest Good in Action
Here's a Vision / Intention that just came in from Kayla Chantra. It is short but very powerful. Thank You, Kayla! ~ We see a world where the energy of each and every intention that is for the Highest Good of All is consciously coming to expression on a daily basis in the minds of everyone everywhere. We likewise intend to optimally utilize the power and magnitude of divine synchronism to the fullest extent possible for the Best and Highest Good of All. ...
Slow Down
Joy, love, passion, drive, forgiveness, determination, wholeness, happiness are not things to strive for because they have been within you all along. You have been moving too fast and in too many directions to realize it, beautiful child. The Universe’s message to you today; slow down! Release the need to fill the empty spaces with unimportant things and know that, once you choose to stop obsessing about what you feel is unattainable, what you have considered as out of your reach will appear as if...
The past year has shown us all exactly how quickly life can change. For most of this year we have been moving at warp speed as the internal shifts creating profound opportunities for healing and growth. In April the tides shift bringing a new feel to our experience and with it, a deeper expansion of our soul’s expression. Within this space the subtle distortions, which cloud our intuition will be cleared, enabling us to sense and see the many possibilities that lie on the horizon. You are moving across a new territory ...
The Moon in Scorpio: Transformation, from Resentment to Compassion
According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Spring / Fall Equinox occurs on March 20 with the Sun and Venus in the water sign of Pisces. This is the day twice a year when the amount of daylight and evening is about equal. Many ancient traditions honor this sacred time on Mother Earth to show gratitude for their lives and nature’s abundance. What would bring you joy and help you connect with this sacred time? How do you feel drawn to serve as a good steward of Planet Earth? Wit...
Dark Forces are trying to force the New World Order on you
Hello Dear Ones, I am Albert Einstein, and I am excited to be here today. I am a “mad scientist‘, my hair represented my personality, who loves mathematics and physics. As you know from my lifework that I developed the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. I was not fully satisfied with my results for the quantum physics, I really didn’t have a chance to finish my studies there. I enjoyed my work very much and I loved every second of it. I wish I could be...
Extraordinary Circumstances, Extraordinary Times
 More than ever before, there is the desire to bring forth Heaven, or what people perceive as Heaven, on Earth! *Archangel Gabrielle ~ Extraordinary Circumstances, Extraordinary Times* This beautiful gem is lovingly shared by Sarah from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Greetings, I am Gabrielle. Sarah: Hello, Gabrielle! AAG: Welcome, beloved. I come as Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, Messenger of One. I come to bring greetings, to bring gifts, to bring ble...
Enjoy the Sweet, the Sour, and Everything In-Between
There are no goods or bads, just nature thriving. You always have a choice to focus on what is going well. We remind you to play. You have come to Planet Earth to play, and everything is play to your soul, even those things you would qualify as hard, challenging or overwhelming. It is all the experience of the soul, all an adventure, an opportunity to feel, taste and see. The soul is enjoying the sweet and the sour. The hum...
A little NOTHING....THAT CAME TO ME AFTER I WATCHED THIS MOVIE "LUCKY" THAT INSPRIED ME AND CAN YOU. SOURCE LOVES EVIL.....Because it does not see Evil as only SEES ITSELF....JUST LIKE YOU ONLY SEE YOURSELF.? Because we are ONE AND THE SAME!....Where do you think LIFE came from?...or Comes From?...IT COMES FROM SOURCE! Do you think that there are many SOURCES WHO CAN CREATE LIFE?....."NO"..... THERE ARE NOT ANY!...... BUT THE ONE SOURCE Yeah......your kitty can make kittens and you can make babies........but you did not really MA...


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Our ability to deeply understand the purpose of our pain and suffering enables us to reframe the beliefs and fears, which fragment our energy and deflate our willingness to change. With understanding we are no longer held hostage by the past and our habitual patterns no longer have the power to undermine our choices and the actions we must take. As a result, we are able to approach our current challenges and experiences in a new and more conscious way. It can be easy to bypass or ignore your deepest wounds by distr... 
The Next Wave of Mass Awakenings
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always aware of what is going on there on Earth, always keeping track, taking the pulse of the human collective, and at this time we are noticing that you have begun recognize yourselves as the beautiful and wonderful beings that you are. You have reached a tipping point within the collective, one where enough of you have come to this realization. You have come to recognize who you really ... 
2 Weeks After Media Predicted Catastrophe, Texas Sees COVID Cases Drop to Record Low
More than 2 weeks after the media predicted catastrophe due to Texas lifting its mask mandate and Joe Biden labeled the move “neanderthal thinking,” COVID cases in Texas have dropped to a record low while hospitalizations are at their lowest since October. Oh. Earlier this month, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced an end to mask mandates and a 100% re-opening of the state by March 10th. The announcement was immediately met by a wave of hysteria from... 
There is only Love, Source, and infinite eternal Joy.
The momentous event – Humanity’s Collective Awakening – for which you have all been waiting with with such hope* is* very close. Let go of your doubts and continue to reset your intent to be only loving,* whatever may arise* throughout the day, every day, because it* is* extremely effective and powerful, and it is what you incarnated to do. Truly, you* are* on a roll, despite what the MSM and SM are shouting out so vociferously. The present world news *is* very unsettling and ... 
Utilizing the Power of this Moment
Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth are in the midst of the most intensified purging process we have experienced to date. The Divine Intent of this intensified cleansing process is to help Humanity move through this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan much more quickly, so that we can clear the way for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for 2021. This Mission involves Cocreating an unprecedented Quantum Field of Comprehensive Di... 
Rainbow Bridge
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective**:* Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today. We sense that many of you are asking again when NESARA may be coming, and we bring some news of such. For one, when you hear of your ET brothers and sisters landing upon the Earth or being stationed outside the Earth, in Her atmosp... 
The Way It Was
I don’t know about anyone else but I can only go down the rabbit hole so far – it was a MOSSAD satellite that was blown out of the sky, not Musk; now the Alliance is in control of global transmissions; Evergreen is a joint venture of Walmart and the Clinton Foundation; and some of the containers contain children (1) – before I’m reeling. But at the same time, I tell myself that this is … as one commentator called it … a “Red Sea moment.” “Let my people go” was never more applicable. Let my women and children go. Let my children of co... 
Change Taking Place
I’m Judas and today I have some things to say to you. First of all, I want to make you aware that it is within yourself that a change must first take place. It is as we have said before … that it is in the light of yourselves that a change can take place, in your inner as well as in your outer world. It is in love for yourselves, for each other, for the earth on which you live, that change can take place in the way you desire and believe. You creat... 
Masks off to Alternative Treatments for COVID19
For a list of alternative treatments for COVID19 scroll down below the article. Why are seemingly effective alternative COVID19 treatments being censored, discounted and ignored? In a truly free society, citizens have the right to choose what goes into their bodies and what treatments are to be used for their health and wellness. Do you feel and believe that you have all of the most accurate data and information from trusted resources, such that you are able to make these important decisions on your own? When p... 
Tim of Agartha: Assignments
Hello all wonderful earthlings – no one mentioned and no one forgotten. Tim here. As always, I am grateful to reach this channel. Beloved Brothers and Sisters. You all know why you chose the, sometimes very difficult, tasks that you have chosen to perform in this mortal life. You are the ones who NEVER GIVE UP. Because you all knew that you would be able to carry out your assignments, you really wanted in your heart to be born into this very life, in this time, in this place an... 
Government of Norway Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity
Various investigators conduct investigations, in collaboration with lawyers and advocates. The 2nd Nuremberg Tribunal is a fact. Its act has been in preparation for months now. This is under the leadership of German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who is currently filing a class action. What is a class action? A class action, also called a representative action or group claim, is a form of jurisprudence in which a large group of people collectively bring a claim before the court or in wh... 
Back To The Light
For those experiencing despair; the help you have asked for is coming! When it arrives, it may be tempting to turn it aside just as you have always done. Instead, know The Universe heard your cry and sent this seemingly unassuming experience to aid you in your movement back to the light. As always, you are not alone…you are never alone! ... 
Operate Within the Safety Net of the Golden Rule
"No man is at any time disturbed by his neighbor’s attitude when he has perfect confidence in the truth of that which he wholeheartedly believes. Courage is the confidence of thoroughgoing honesty about those things which one professes to believe. Sincere men are unafraid of the critical examination of their true convictions and noble ideals.” [UB 146:3.2] ~ Thought Adjuster: “If you could fathom the butterfly effect that your ... 
Project Looking Glass reveals that mass awakening and ascension is already locked in
In today's article and podcast, we take a closer look at Project Looking Glass, which is a secret government program based on exotic (alien?) technology that allows scientists to query the future and get answers in terms of probabilities and certainty statistics. This stunning technology, according to multiple whistleblowers (whose videos are available on, reveals that all future timelines have converged into a single track with a single... 
Acquainted with yourself
We spoke yesterday of the importance of presence and how it works as your power centre and a tool for gratitude, flow, and creation. We wish to expand upon that message today. Many of you have lives that are incredibly busy. You rush from one thing to another, always focusing ahead upon what needs to be done next. If your life has been slowed down by the pandemic, you might be feeling resistant to the Now moment and the changes that have been thrust upon you. Being solely focused on the future (or the ... 


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Visiting our Galactic Family
We have often thought of our Galactic Family visiting us, but how often have we throught of the fact that WE can visit Them. The above picture is a cartoon idea of humans being in outer space sitting on clouds typing a message to where? Are the ones on the clouds receiving the messages, or are they sending a message to us? In fact, what if the "ones on the clouds," also known as the "Galactics," are actually, what we would call our "human ... 
The Pause
Dear readers, we greet you with love and light.​Although it doesn’t look that way, increasingly more outgrown and low resonating energies now present on earth are beginning to transmute to a higher resonance, one that flows in and on streams of love. All is proceeding according to plan.​It is important to have attained a consciousness of spiritual trust. “Do I really believe that One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Source/ Consciousness/God is all there is? If so, could anything exist outside of IT? Wh... 
The Cave
“Indeed, Mary Magdalene was said to have spend long days and nights and hours in the cave. As the Cathars were also reported to have done. As the Essenes had done, as they still do in the Himalayas and elsewhere. For when you truly seek out silence and solitude, you will be confronted with your greatest fears, your greatest insecurities, all which you ever believed true, and more than this, your own shadow side – and all which you never loved nor owned nor have forgiven within yourself and others. Add to this all shame, blame and guilt. ... 
This is All Part of the Illusion
I am Archangel Michael. And I am here at this time to continue to assist you in working through everything that is occurring in your lives now as you focus more and more as how things are changing with your loved ones, your surroundings, everything that is happening to move you to a point where you are needing to become more and more unattached to everything that is yet a 3-D illusion of this third-dimensional paradigm that is, indeed, an illusion. Everything you are watching on your inter... 
The Veils Are Coming Down
Welcome to March madness. The recent equinox and the coming Super Moon along with the CMEs, “solar flares” the off the scale Schuman Resonance is going to make March a month to remember. This will continue through April. It is time to heal, end the victim cycle and take your power back. The onion is being peeled, layer after layer and now we are dealing with our core issues. The peeling back is happening with all institutions exposing their core as well. We are being made aware of ... 
Being Pulled in By Others’ Energy
Ivo: Understand, my love, that energy is always seeking balance. So as water does upon hitting a surface, it seeks its lowest level. Those of higher light are sought out by those of lower light, and this is more instinctive than it is anything else. It is a spiritual cry for help in fact. What in effect is happening in the case of this male who keeps suggesting you two spend time together is that he is of lower light, you are of higher light. So he is attracted to you. Upon other worlds, there ... 
Canadian Parliament Erupt Over Cover Up Of Chinese Spies Stealing Coronavirus From Winnipeg Lab To Wuhan
Recently, the Canadian parliament erupted over a heated debate regarding the cover-up of Chinese spies stealing coronavirus from the Winnipeg based BSL-4 lab to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Chinese espionage story was first reported by GreatGameIndia in Jan, 2020, for which we are being actively targeted by the NATO’s war propaganda arm – the Atlantic Council. The president of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has been g... 
Quem “construiu” a Lua da Terra
A Revista New Dawn (Nova Aurora), recentemente falou com o escritor Christopher Knight sobre seu controverso novo livro e sobre as suas conclusões surpreendentes sobre a LUA. * *Entrevista com Christopher Knight à revista “New Dawn”: **A LUA* não é apenas um objeto aparentemente impossível de existir, mas a sua existência tem algumas vantage... 
‘Why Am I So Mean’? 7 Things That Make You Seem Rude
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I so mean?” Well, if you notice it, then there’s hope. The thing is, we don’t always know when we’re being rude, but we can learn. Life is complicated. I believe I’ve said this a dozen times. But regardless, you have to understand the complex makeup of people to understand just how strange life can really be. One moment, you’ll be enjoying life, oblivious to things you’re doing, and the minute noticing that you’re driving people away.... 
8 Signs of Toxic Family Relationships Most People Think Are Normal
While those little irritating actions from loved ones may seem normal, maybe they’re not. You might just be dealing with toxic family relationships. Toxicity is one of the hardest things to recognize. That’s because layers of seeming goodwill are often enveloped between heinous motivations. This is especially true among family members – you may be surprised to find out. Yes, your family can sometimes be your worst enemies. I bet you’ve heard that one before,... 
11 Science-Backed Communication Techniques to Instantly Connect with Anyone
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could instantly connect with anyone you wanted to? Just imagine how much your life would improve. You’d have no problem asking your boss for a rise. You’d bond immediately with a first date. Family problems would be solved. You’d have a superpower! I might be exaggerating slightly, but there’s a good reason why we should improve our communication techniques. “The single biggest problem in communication ... 
Finding Your Centre
Fellow Travellers, These trying times require us to manage our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health so we can stay as centred as possible during these transitional times. It's time to now take full responsibility for every aspect of our lives. We can no longer deflect and project our fears, insecurities and ignorance onto others to try and feel better about ourselves. Continuing to do so will only create further suffering. The journey is an inward one and the external reality but a mir... 
The “Bigger Picture” Soar Fest
Divine Ones, We greet you in love! We are so joyful at the opportunity to come together, now, and co-create. There is great potential right now in your world for new forms to be created. New ways of being. New ways of connecting. New ways of sharing and new ways of seeing one another. So much has been dismantled this past year. So much has been put on pause and it has gone on long enough that patterns and habits have been dissolved. This creates a powerful opening and one that we would... 
The Fastest Track to the Fifth Dimension
We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been continuing to recognize the role that humanity is playing in this ascension journey for the entire universe, and we are not alone in that recognition. There are so many beings and collectives who look upon you as the pioneers, as the ones who will take us all to a much more expanded version of reality because of that you have agreed to endure. We look upon you with such a sen... 
The Cultivation of your Being
Thought Adjuster: “Each person possesses an inner compass that constantly points to the path of truth and also helps you to not be deceived by the falsehood and confusions that reign in this world. Those human beings who learn to cultivate their inner life become increasingly immune to the external influences that may lead them away from their true purpose and the full enjoyment of th... 
Demons now materializing in start of epic war against humanity
As we are seeing in widely shared media reports and surveillance photos, humanoid-shaped demons are now increasingly materializing as a run-up to Satan's war against humanity. Corporations like Nike are openly promoting "Satan shoes" that are covered in Satanic imagery and claim to contain one drop of actual human blood. Hollywood and the music industry are doubling down on their open worship of Lucifer, and the DEMONcrats are making sure that open borders child traffickin... 
Let Go
Remember; when you have those all-consuming moments of not-so-good, it is The Universe telling you, “understand this human emotion, learn from it then let it go”. If it does not serve you, there is no reason to hold it close to your heart. Creator. ... 
By consciously working with the incoming energies we have the opportunity to bring a deeper balance to our heads and our hearts. As a result, we are gaining access to a deeper level of our soul and the wisdom it contains. However, we must be careful that we are not allowing ancient fears to cloud our intuition. These fears lurk in our subconscious mind and can sabotage our healing and our growth. That which has been deeply hidden within is emerging to be seen. As such core wounds have been activated triggering... 
Giant wings are all around
Greetings beloveds on ascending Gaia. We are the Archangelic Collective. You likely feel as a little boat on a rocky sea, navigating the winds and waves, the currents, the unexpected gusts. No storm lasts forever. Calm seas with gentle breezes are ahead of humanity. But in this now you are here to navigate the currents as the masters that you are. You are not here to be comfortable. You are here to be strong. And you are strong. We say this while wiping a few tears from our eye... 
We Don’t Need More Civics, We Need More Basics
We Don’t Need More Civics, We Need More Basicsby Steve BeckowMarch 30, 2021 *Credit:* I contend here that we don’t need more civics in our schools to repair our world. We need more basics. What are the basics? Matters like: (1) We all are the same God-Soul incarnated in illusory materiality, which ultimately disappears like smoke, leaving the Truth revealed. All of us are on a journey from God to God, from ignorance to knowledge, from darkness unto Light. (2) The world of matter (mater, Mother) is an educational domain in which we learn what we are not and what we... 
The April 2021 Energies
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very happy with the way that humanity has been progressing in the past several weeks, as we have noticed a huge uptick in the number of people there on Earth who are willing to look within themselves. We understand that there’s a great deal of temptation for all of you to look outside of yourselves. Never before on your planet has it been easier to do that, especially with all of the technology t... 

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