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A Chama da Ascensão

A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! Quando o Poder do Amor superar o Amor pelo Poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. Na verdade somos todos UM!


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Receive More from Our Incoming Energies
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of creating many more partnerships with those of you in human form, because we know that you are willing to partner up with us, and because you are such a necessary part of the process of raising the consciousness of the entire human collective. We need all of you just as much as you need all of us in order for this help that we provide to have any kind of effect on the ...
Highest Probable Ascension Outcomes
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you. In the spiritual community, there are few, or none that talk about the specifics of Ascension. Why? They don’t know? Don’t want to instill fear? Can’t predict the future? But this isn’t about that. This experience is unique for everyone, yes, but the overall, highest probable out...
FDA Not Properly Inspecting Plants Where Vaccines Are Manufactured
After it was recently announced that Merck & Co. would take over producing some of the experimental COVID “vaccines” for Johnson and Johnson, an FDA whistleblower has now stepped forward to reveal that the FDA is not properly examining production facilities where these experimental COVID shots are being produced. The pharmaceutical trade publication FiercePharma reported today: An FDA inspector-turned-whistleblower claims the agency soft-pedaled vio...
Ascension Amnesia Shift Symptoms
Ascension Amnesia Shift Symptoms**Posted on 04/03/2021 by EraOfLight [image: schumann resonance eraoflightdotcom] Transforming to a Higher Frequency Divine Human – Suddenly, you can’t remember what you have known for a long time—a person’s name, what you did yesterday, last week, and especially conflicts and disharmonic situations—periods of forgetfulness not caused by neurological conditions and so-called age-associated memory impairments. This Ascension Amnesia is a big letting-go to the imprint energy patterns that have kept the human in lower trance and lock...
It Is Time To Remember
We are going to take another trip in the wayback machine to refresh the memories of those who are critically thinking, research impaired suffering from acute denial and cognitive dissonance. When the big chemical companies brought out DDT despite the warnings and sprayed it on everything including the children the “authorities’ said it was safe, a miracle solution nothing to worry about. They created nuclear energy as the new clean energy, ignited nuclear bombs without even knowing th...
CIA Explains Consciousness, The Matrix, Meditation, Holograms, And Telepathy In Declassified Files
In this document the CIA Explains Consciousness, The Matrix, Meditation, Holograms, and Telepathy In Declassified Files. This is a long read, but perhaps well worth it. The deep state has known about this stuff for a long time. *Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY* *US ARMY OPERATIONAL GROUP US ARMY INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY COMMAND FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MARYLAND 20755.* [image: cia conscious...
Jeffrey Epstein Threatened To Feed His Victim To Alligators and Raped Her In front Of His 8 Year Old Son
A woman has alleged that Jeffrey Epstein kidnapped and raped her. She was sexually abused by Epstein in 2008 at his palm beach. He also repeatedly raped her infront of his 8 year old son. Jeffrey Epstein then threatened to feed her to alligators if she shared the incident with anyone else. The victim, a real estate broker has complained about it last week and filed a lawsuit. As per the lawsuit filed and made public by the Miami Herald...
When the Human Guinea Pig Vaccine Takers Start Dying, It’s Straight to Nuremberg
Most takers of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are unaware of the dangers of the experimental vaccines they are taking, an explicit violation of the Nuremberg Trials Code under which Nazi German Dr. Josef Mengele was tried and convicted. The Nuremberg Code requires fully informed consent of subjects in medical experimentation. Nor are many even aware they are experimental. A January 6th statement from Pfizer says: “The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-...
Daylight Saving Time
As you probably know, so-called daylight saving time has begun in most of the United States. It began a bit later in Europe. I have never been a fan of the twice-yearly time switch. I know the arguments for and against it. But it never made much sense to me. In fact, I love these words from a wise old Native American: *Only a white man would believe you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.* *Spirit* As Johnny said, there are arguments for and against da...
You are all now in the process of uncovering your awareness of your true nature.
There are, as you cannot avoid noticing, enormous changes of a most impactful nature occurring worldwide at present – of course, there is *only *the Present/Presence – that are a major aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. The good news of Love is flowing into people’s awareness as never before in your human history, partly as a result of the massive increase in cognizance worldwide of the Oneness of humanity and of *all life forms* on your be...
Your True Essence
For our last message in our week-long series on presence, we wish to offer you this. Your presence – bringing as much of your true essence, into your body, fully engaging in the Now moment, is embodiment and from there all things are possible. April 2, 2021 Dear Ones, you can’t have presence without being willing to feel. Feeling allows you to have the full experience. Feeling doesn’t need to be overwhelming. If you are uncomfortable with diving into feeling fully, you can slowly enter and explore your feeling...
A Vision for Taking Our Time
We see a world where we are taking our time once again; where the stresses and struggles of life are no longer causing us to act hurriedly because we have found a balance within ourselves that has let us know, unequivocally, that we do ourselves no Earthly good by stressing or worrying about anything. Instead, we have gleaned the wisdom in slowing down and finding the joy in the wondrous journey we call life. *Tony Burroughs*. - *Labels: A Vision, Mother Earth, pristine, Alignment Project,...
Gift Of Love
The undeniable proof of Universal Love surrounds you; the way a parent looks at their child, the way lovers touch, the way old friends greet each other with a hug. Still need more? Look at yourself! The Universe created you with love; you are its gift of love to your Earth-plane. ...
The Purpose Of Mass Meditation And Why It Is Needed NOW!
There has never been more isolation than 2020. Already, we were collectively shifting into the 4th dimension of digital space, leaving 3D behind. Molecules were steadily getting replaced with pixels, and physical bodies by selfies and avatars. However, this year really passed the tipping point into full-blown, solitary confinement where the ‘real’ and ‘unreal’ could truly be questioned. There are many ways to spin this year’s tumultuous events, but every coin nonethele...
All of Life is a Learning Experience
That may sound like just a glib statement, but in fact it’s 100% true – in my estimation. Look at life this way. The purpose of life is to know who we are, our essence, our true selves, our one identity. We know the value of that to God: When one of us realizes who we really are, God meets God. For that meeting was everything we see (and don’t see) created. If that’s the case, how do we learn our true identity? Life is designed in such a way that, like a funnel, it slowly guides us back to God. The u...
You can bring manifestation quickly through your power of thought
There is so much going on behind the scenes that cannot yet be made public knowledge, but it should be sufficient to say that all progresses well. The size of the tasks ahead would be beyond your imagination; they involve many thousands of people working for the Light who are gradually dismantling the web of control that the dark Ones have built over a great period of time. It has taken years of planning to build up to the point where the Light...
Your Liberation Day is Almost at Hand!
Dearest Diana, thank you for contacting me on this auspicious day. I AM your Mother God, the Divine Mother to All. Your Father, the Divine Masculine is here with me and of course, is represented in my words to you. For yes, I would love to give a message to my Children on Gaia. Dear Children, time is running short. The great cosmic clock has been set and is counting down to your sweet liberation from tyranny!! You are just seconds, minutes away ...


Yoga 101 for Anyone Making 2020 Yoga Resolutions.


Posted February 13, 2020 by Siora Tils.

Have you ever thought about joining a club that was 36 million members strong in the United States alone? A club that’s grown at least 50% since 2012?
You may not realize it, but if you’ve ever considered trying yoga (which a third of Americans have already done), then that’s you.
Some people are interested in mindfulness and peace of being that yoga promises. Others want to gain flexibility and strength enjoyed by regular yogis. And still others want to mitigate back and joint pain, which yoga has been proven to help.
But a cursory Google search for beginner’s yoga is completely overwhelming – there are more than 6,000 yoga studios in America at last count, and most of them are trying to sell you classes for the New Year. (Nothing wrong with that inherently – it doesn’t get much more consciously capitalist than yoga studios.)
Before doing anything you’ve never done before, it’s advisable to do your research.
We’re going to break down what some of the most popular yoga styles, so that you can understand what each will provide for your body and what you should expect from each.
Let’s start with the eight arms of yoga:
  1. Yama: consisting of five parts indicating how you treat your fellow man – nonviolence, truthfulness, asteya, chastity, and not coveting
  2. Niyama: consisting of five parts indicating how you treat yourself – cleanliness, contentment, self-discipline, self-study, surrendering to a higher power
  3. Asana: the practice of yoga poses
  4. Pranayama: the practice of breathing exercises
  5. Pratyahara: withdrawing from external senses to use only internal sources
  6. Dharana: concentration
  7. Dhyana: meditation
  8. Samadhi: bliss
Every arm of yoga is distributed differently through various styles and practices, but those tenets are woven into all kinds of yoga.
Iyengar Yoga
This kind of yoga focuses on meticulous and detailed posing. It’s slower and lower intensity in order to achieve perfect alignment with each pose.
Usually, this practice is characterized by yoga props, like blocks, straps, chairs, and bolsters.
The lesson in iyengar yoga isn’t how smoothly and swiftly you can move from pose to pose, but how tricky it can be, both mentally and physically, to stay still.
It can help with easing tight and sore muscles or in recovering from an injury.
Vinyasa Yoga
This is probably the kind of yoga you’re most familiar with – in Sanskrit, the translation is “to place in a special way,” and since it’s a kind of hatha yoga, vinyasa is recognizable because it’s a sequence of poses.
The practice is fluid and movement-heavy, traveling from one pose into its next logical pose as smoothly as possible by connecting breath to each movement.
You’ll often hear music in these yoga classes, to keep everyone engaged and awake, and although it’s not the same as high-intensity yoga, it is definitely active.
Bikram Yoga
The inspiration for the “hot yoga” fad, bikram yoga has been held in heated rooms since its inception 30 years ago.
There are 26 poses in total, always in the same sequence, and you’ll definitely find yourself drenched and exhausted at the end of it.
Bikram will definitely give you the most serious work out, but be sure to find an authentic bikram studio – the poses must be in the original order for it to be considered bikram.
Restorative Yoga
Sometimes called “yin” yoga, this is the style for those interested in yoga for its calming effects.
You’ll find lots of props in a restorative yoga class to help support students in passive poses, because you’re not meant to use energy or force.
It’s a wonderful way to inject mindful, rejuvenative rest into your life. Everyone has experienced rest that doesn’t recharge – this kind of yoga helps you be deliberate with your intentions.
Once you know what your goals are, you’ll know which yoga practice to try!
Still, trying one of each, or any other kinds of yoga, will give you the best idea of which kind of yoga suits you best, and which you’re most likely to stick with in the New Year.
Lucy Schlessinger

Compiled by from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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Naikan Reflection: 

How This Japanese Technique Transforms Your Relationships.

By Francesca F.

July 12th, 2019



Naikan Reflection helps us to better understand ourselves and others in our various relationships.
Relationships are complicated, and it is always easier to focus on the bad parts than the good. Naikan Reflection is a form of genuine self-reflection which aims to help us understand our relationships better.

By understanding the bigger picture, we can see the nuances of a relationship. Most significantly, you may find yourself recognizing cycles of negative behavior, or having a greater respect for what others do for you.

What Is Naikan Reflection?

Naikan Reflection is a structured method of self-reflection which helps us to get a more realistic sense of our relationships with others. It was developed by Japanese businessman and devoted Jodo Shinshu Buddhist, Yoshimoto Ishin.

Those who practice it claim that it helps them to understand themselves and others with who they have relationships.
The Three Questions of Naikan Reflection

Naikan Reflection is based on three key questionswhich help us to reflect on our relationships with others, from friends to family, co-workers to acquaintances.
  1. What have I received from…?
  2. What have I given to…?
  3. What troubles and difficulties have I caused…?
There is a logical fourth question in this series which is ‘What troubles and difficulties have… caused me?’ This question was purposefully ignored because of the belief that this question is responsible for too much misery in daily life.
One of the most important aspects of Naikan Reflection is that it assumes we are all naturally good at seeing an answer to this fourth question. In contrast, true knowledge comes from a little introspection.

Three Different Methods to Practice Naikan Reflection

The general method of practicing Naikan Reflection is to answer these questions in detail.
  • Examine first what you have received from others.
There are times we receive things from others without understanding the sacrifices they made or the thought they gave it. Take the time to understand this and to whom you should be grateful.
  • Next, consider what you have given to others.
We are all susceptible to self-criticism. Taking the time to understand how you are capable of helping others can change our perception of ourselves.
As a result, this is a valuable tool because it helps to boost self-esteem and change our mindset. When we see the good in what we have done without making a conscious effort, we can see the good we are capable of in the future.
  • The final question is not the easiest to answer.
We never like to point fingers at ourselves; doing so can be difficult. Yet, we must understand the hardships we have caused others to truly be introspective. When we see what difficulties we have caused others, we can begin to understand and even repair those relationships.
There are three main ways Naikan Reflection can be practiced, so you can find the right method for you.

Daily Naikan (Nichijo Naikan)

Daily Naikan Reflection takes only 20 to 30 minutes before falling asleep. Sit in a quiet place and minimize distractions. Consider the three questions of Naikan and answer them in relation to the events of the day.
Try to be as specific as you can rather than generalize about ‘receiving food’ or ‘gave assistance.’ It may seem trivial, but it is important to recognize what you should be grateful for and what you offer others.
This method is the simplest. It also keeps the self-reflection we do present in our daily lives.

Naikan Reflection on a Person

Naikan Reflection can be done in reference to a specific person. This method takes a little longer because it focuses on the entire relationship, beginning to end. Start with how you met, and slowly work your way through the ups and downs of the relationship chronologically.
Naikan Reflection on a person gives us greater insight and respect for a particular person. You may focus on a few weeks, or a few years, giving yourself a detailed account of hard times with the gift of hindsight.
You will be able to see how the relationship has strengthened or may be weakened. However, you will be able to see the situation as a whole.

A Naikan Retreat (Schuchu Naikan)

Naikan Retreats can be a scheduled event, or it can be something you venture to do alone. Taking yourself away for a set amount of time to a quiet and secluded place can be mind-opening.
Venture to a peaceful and private spot and give yourself nothing to do but reflect. View your life chronologically and assess all of your relationships in turn.
This is the most intense version of self-reflection and it can take some time to work up to this. However, those who take part in such retreats have profound and life-changing experiences. What is important is that you are sincere and committed to the experience.

Why self-reflection is important

Self-reflection is deeply entrenched in many of the world’s spiritual cultures. There are many different methods of self-reflection which can help open your mind to all that life is.
Naikan Reflection is simply one of many of these methods, but it helps us to form closer bonds through the understanding of our relationships.
Most importantly, practicing this reflection helps us to recognize the importance of others and the positive impact we can have in the lives of others.








About the Author: Francesca F.

Francesca is a freelance writer currently studying a degree in Law and Philosophy. She has written for several blogs in a range of subjects across Lifestyle, Relationships and Health and Fitness. Her main pursuits are learning new innovative ways of keeping fit and healthy, as well as broadening her knowledge in as many areas as possible in order to achieve success.

Compiled by from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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