Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!
Ben Fulford: Rockefeller-Biden Scam Falling Apart As World Shuns It

The coup carried out in the United States by the Rockefeller family and their Council on Foreign Relations slaves is falling apart as the world shuns this heinous crime family. Following the exit of Donald Trump, there is a growing consensus among the power elite that Joe Biden’s fake presidency is becoming a disaster movie. That is why a third alternative is being worked on at the highest levels of world power... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/ben-fulford-rockefeller-biden-scam.html
And Still
The most loving, giving and compassionate people you will experience in your Earth plane existence are the ones that have ‘been there, done that’. They have walked through fire, bear deep scars and know the pain of loss, abuse and betrayal intimately……yet they are still willing to extend their hand and offer assistance regardless of the circumstance. Why? They know the dark side and what it does, but they also know that a flame is still flickering deep within and, once it has been fanned, can c... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/and-still.html
The energies of this Full Moon have been building towards a powerful release. Within this time unresolved emotions have been surfacing bringing new insight to the challenges and difficulties we face. Any imbalances within us are becoming more apparent offering the opportunity for us to begin to rectify the balance within. Before we can balance our external world, our internal world needs attention. In the light of this Full Moon, you can expect sudden realisations to occur that reveal where the imba... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/our-internal-world-needs-attention.html
Egyptian Authorities Planned to Unload the Ever Given, Now Sailing Again

This is not the latest story. A later story appears below it. The point of reproducing it is to cover President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi’s intention to offload the containers. What would they find if they did? That intention may or may not have been overtaken by events, the ship having been refloated. Evergreen is said to be a joint partnership of the Clinton Foundation and Walmart. Ship Stuck In Suez Canal: All The Latest Efforts To Free The Ever Given Carlie Porterfield, Forbes... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/egyptian-authorities-planned-to-unload.html
Our Bodies, Our Selves
This week, the UK Parliament voted by an overwhelming majority to renew the Coronavirus Act, giving the government wartime powers to pass laws without going through Parliament – or indeed allowing any sort of independent debate. This doesn’t seem to make sense. Cases and deaths from Covid have fallen precipitously in the UK. Some 40 percent of the UK population have now been vaccinated, about a third of the population have been exposed to it in all forms and 80 percen... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/our-bodies-our-selves.html
Message from the Fates
The equinox last week was so very powerful and it feels like a huge shift has taken place. Time feels to have sped up even more and with it the energy we are receiving. It’s like the gloves are off. No more pulling punches. The energies are twisting and turning us every which way and inside out. So much is changing so quickly. I decided to journey with the intent to understand what it is that we need to know to hopefully gain a greater understanding of the energies and where we are headed as an ascending group. I turn... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/message-from-fates.html
The Great Awakening is Upon Us
Logical thinking and connecting all known dots, learns the following conclusion; Every ship that sails through the Suez Canal has a recognised and experienced pilot on board who takes over the captain’s authority. The pilot is in the WH plot to ground the boat. And the tub boats’ name is Barak 1! Is that a coincidence? Presumably not. Now, all or many containers have to be taken off board to re-float the boat by losing weight. Meanwhile, the MSM has also reported, and when soon children come out of the contain... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/the-great-awakening-is-upon-us.html
The present moment

Dear Ones, more and more you are being redirected back into your Now moment. You may experience this as not knowing what your next steps are or how to proceed. While this may seem frustrating to you, it is actually serving you in a very profound way. It is causing you to focus on the only thing you do know for sure, which is your present moment. The present moment is your power base. It is where all your future moments are born from. It is the womb of all creation. So rather than resist, why not explore your N... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/the-present-moment.html
A Vision for the Release of Outdated Systems
Here's the first of several Visions from Carol Bennett that came to her while viewing a photo of the Crop Circle hieroglyphs at Milk Hill in Southwest England. Thank You, Carol! She says:* I see those who have experienced heartfelt struggles from living in a society based on duality releasing the past, aligning with life, and integrating new effective tools into their lives. I see the highest good in the forefront of everyone's hearts, minds and actions. I see their highest light r... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/a-vision-for-release-of-outdated-systems.html
Your Faith and Trust in The One God![]()

The Beloved: “The deeply felt desires of your heart are known to Me, and the aspiration to leave this world a better place lives in the hearts of many people. “This will someday become a collective desire, which will then verily catapult this picturesque small orb into Light and life. “Until this is brought about, much work remains to be done. “Right now, your planet is still in the barbaric stages, where brothers fight and ki... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2021/03/your-faith-and-trust-in-one-god.html