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A Chama da Ascensão

A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! Quando o Poder do Amor superar o Amor pelo Poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. Na verdade somos todos UM!


A Chama Violeta - A Verdade Libertar-nos-á.

Estamos no limiar de algo ENORME e NÃO É político!
Os [des]governos de marionetes dos senhores das trevas estão entrando em colapso ao nosso redor e pelo planeta inteiro. Aqui nos Estados Unidos, os pontos de verificação são montados enquanto o arame farpado é colocado em toda a região de Washington DC. O lema maçom no 33º grau é “Ordo ab Chao”, que significa “Ordem do Caos”. Isso é exatamente... 
Quem “construiu” a Lua da Terra
A Revista New Dawn (Nova Aurora), recentemente falou com o escritor Christopher Knight sobre seu controverso novo livro e sobre as suas conclusões surpreendentes sobre a LUA. * *Entrevista com Christopher Knight à revista “New Dawn”: **A LUA* não é apenas um objeto aparentemente impossível de existir, mas a sua existência tem algumas vantage... 
Inúmeros padres católicos expõem a prática do “satanismo” dentro do Vaticano
Por meio dos processos secretos da magia cerimonial, é possível entrar em contato com criaturas invisíveis e obter sua ajuda em algum “empreendimento” humano. Os bons espíritos emprestam de bom grado a sua assistência a qualquer empreendimento digno {altruísta}, mas os maus espíritos servem apenas àqueles que vivem para perverter, corromper e destruir. . . . A forma mais ... 
Que as bênçãos do amor tragam paz aos vossos corpos, mentes e corações. As portas do céu se abrem para compartilhar mais uma Páscoa de Renascimento com todos vós. Páscoa de unidade, de fraternidade, Páscoa permeada pelo amor incondicional ancorado por vosso amado Mestre Jesus em sua jornada por vosso planeta. Páscoa de paz. Sim, o amor, a verdade e a paz foram o tripé que sustentou a jornada de meu amado filho por vossa Mãe Terra, levando-vos, passo a passo, a reconhecer a trilha da redenção. Sem a... 
Tremenda mudança está a ocorrer agora!
Olá, querido! Obrigada por juntar-se a nós para o nosso vlog semanal. A Companhia do Céu disse que, com nossa mente finita, é difícil compreendermos totalmente a diferença que faz o fato da Presença Eu Sou de todas as pessoas estar plenamente integrada em seus corpos terrenos. Eles disseram que uma das mudanças mais profundas é que, agora, a Humanidade está vibrando coletivamente em frequências de Luz muito mais compatíveis do que as que já experimentamos. É claro que aind... 
Saudações, amigos! Estamos muito satisfeitos por ter este tempo para falar com vocês hoje. Sentimos que muitos de vocês estão perguntando novamente quando NESARA pode chegar, e trazemos algumas notícias sobre isso. Por um lado, quando você ouvir falar de seus irmãos e irmãs ETs pousando na Terra ou parados fora da Terra, em sua atmosfera, entenda que isso não é apenas para dizer que esses seres estão por perto, para aqueles que acham ... 
Atualização da energia do céu: Aceleração vivificante
Às vezes, tudo tem que ser inscrito nos céus para que você possa encontrar a única linha já escrita dentro de você. Às vezes, é preciso um céu maravilhoso para encontrar aquela primeira, brilhante e indescritível proteção da liberdade em seu próprio coração.” ~David Whyte Chegamos a um importante marcador do Ano para os Buscadores do Mundo – quatro festivais espirituais convergem neste fim de semana: Páscoa, Domingo de Ramos, Holi e o Festival da Ressurreição de Áries. A Lua Cheia de... 
Leitura nastrológica: 29/03 a 04/04/2021
Nesta semana teremos a reverberação energética da Lua Cheia em Libra, a entrada de Mercúrio em Áries e Lua Minguante em Capricórnio. Vem! A segunda-feira será mais leve e tranquila com a Lua ainda Cheia em Libra. Como é o signo da paz, equilíbrio e dos relacionamentos, evite discórdias e discussões para promover a harmonia de todas as relações, sejam elas amorosas, pessoais, familiares ou de amizade. Também é importante tirar um tempo para cuidar da sua autoestima e beleza, porque Libra é um signo que s... 
Ao trabalhar conscientemente com as energias que chegam, temos a oportunidade de trazer um equilíbrio mais profundo para nossas cabeças e nossos corações. Como resultado, estamos obtendo acesso a um nível mais profundo de nossa alma e à sabedoria que ela contém. No entanto, devemos ter cuidado para não permitir que medos antigos turvem nossa intuição. Esses medos se escondem em nossa mente subconsciente e podem sabotar nossa cura e nosso crescimento. Aquilo que estava profunda... 
Identidade de gênero” é irrelevante do ponto de vista energético. Em outras palavras, quando vemos qualquer coisa que é física, vemos a energia disso, e notamos que a energia do que você chama de masculino e feminino é igual em todas as coisas.  ... 
Saudações. Nós somos o Conselho Arcturiano. Temos o prazer de nos conectar com você e com todos vocês. Estamos explorando a galáxia com todos vocês, porque somos seres curiosos, e vocês também são. Você está aí porque é curioso, não porque está sendo punido, não porque é necessário, e não porque fez uma curva errada durante sua última experiência de morte. Você está aí por sua própria escolha, e aqueles de vocês... 
Queridos, mais e mais vocês estão sendo redirecionados de volta ao seu momento do Agora. Vocês podem perceber isso como se não soubessem quais são seus próximos passos ou como proceder. Embora isso possa parecer frustrante, na verdade, está servindo vocês de uma maneira muito profunda. Está fazendo com que vocês se concentrem na única coisa que sabem com certeza, que é o momento presente. O momento presente é a base de seu poder. É de onde nascem todos os seus momentos ... 
As pessoas mais amorosas, generosas e compassivas que você experimentará em sua existência no plano terrestre são aquelas que "já estiveram lá, que passaram tudo." Elas caminharam no fogo, carregam cicatrizes profundas e conhecem intimamente a dor da perda, do abuso e da traição ... mas ainda assim estão dispostas a estender a mão e oferecer ajuda, independentemente da circunstância. Por quê? Eles conhecem o lado escuro e o que ele faz, mas também sabem que uma chama ai... 


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Visiting our Galactic Family
We have often thought of our Galactic Family visiting us, but how often have we throught of the fact that WE can visit Them. The above picture is a cartoon idea of humans being in outer space sitting on clouds typing a message to where? Are the ones on the clouds receiving the messages, or are they sending a message to us? In fact, what if the "ones on the clouds," also known as the "Galactics," are actually, what we would call our "human ... 
The Pause
Dear readers, we greet you with love and light.​Although it doesn’t look that way, increasingly more outgrown and low resonating energies now present on earth are beginning to transmute to a higher resonance, one that flows in and on streams of love. All is proceeding according to plan.​It is important to have attained a consciousness of spiritual trust. “Do I really believe that One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Source/ Consciousness/God is all there is? If so, could anything exist outside of IT? Wh... 
The Cave
“Indeed, Mary Magdalene was said to have spend long days and nights and hours in the cave. As the Cathars were also reported to have done. As the Essenes had done, as they still do in the Himalayas and elsewhere. For when you truly seek out silence and solitude, you will be confronted with your greatest fears, your greatest insecurities, all which you ever believed true, and more than this, your own shadow side – and all which you never loved nor owned nor have forgiven within yourself and others. Add to this all shame, blame and guilt. ... 
This is All Part of the Illusion
I am Archangel Michael. And I am here at this time to continue to assist you in working through everything that is occurring in your lives now as you focus more and more as how things are changing with your loved ones, your surroundings, everything that is happening to move you to a point where you are needing to become more and more unattached to everything that is yet a 3-D illusion of this third-dimensional paradigm that is, indeed, an illusion. Everything you are watching on your inter... 
The Veils Are Coming Down
Welcome to March madness. The recent equinox and the coming Super Moon along with the CMEs, “solar flares” the off the scale Schuman Resonance is going to make March a month to remember. This will continue through April. It is time to heal, end the victim cycle and take your power back. The onion is being peeled, layer after layer and now we are dealing with our core issues. The peeling back is happening with all institutions exposing their core as well. We are being made aware of ... 
Being Pulled in By Others’ Energy
Ivo: Understand, my love, that energy is always seeking balance. So as water does upon hitting a surface, it seeks its lowest level. Those of higher light are sought out by those of lower light, and this is more instinctive than it is anything else. It is a spiritual cry for help in fact. What in effect is happening in the case of this male who keeps suggesting you two spend time together is that he is of lower light, you are of higher light. So he is attracted to you. Upon other worlds, there ... 
Canadian Parliament Erupt Over Cover Up Of Chinese Spies Stealing Coronavirus From Winnipeg Lab To Wuhan
Recently, the Canadian parliament erupted over a heated debate regarding the cover-up of Chinese spies stealing coronavirus from the Winnipeg based BSL-4 lab to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Chinese espionage story was first reported by GreatGameIndia in Jan, 2020, for which we are being actively targeted by the NATO’s war propaganda arm – the Atlantic Council. The president of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has been g... 
Quem “construiu” a Lua da Terra
A Revista New Dawn (Nova Aurora), recentemente falou com o escritor Christopher Knight sobre seu controverso novo livro e sobre as suas conclusões surpreendentes sobre a LUA. * *Entrevista com Christopher Knight à revista “New Dawn”: **A LUA* não é apenas um objeto aparentemente impossível de existir, mas a sua existência tem algumas vantage... 
‘Why Am I So Mean’? 7 Things That Make You Seem Rude
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I so mean?” Well, if you notice it, then there’s hope. The thing is, we don’t always know when we’re being rude, but we can learn. Life is complicated. I believe I’ve said this a dozen times. But regardless, you have to understand the complex makeup of people to understand just how strange life can really be. One moment, you’ll be enjoying life, oblivious to things you’re doing, and the minute noticing that you’re driving people away.... 
8 Signs of Toxic Family Relationships Most People Think Are Normal
While those little irritating actions from loved ones may seem normal, maybe they’re not. You might just be dealing with toxic family relationships. Toxicity is one of the hardest things to recognize. That’s because layers of seeming goodwill are often enveloped between heinous motivations. This is especially true among family members – you may be surprised to find out. Yes, your family can sometimes be your worst enemies. I bet you’ve heard that one before,... 
11 Science-Backed Communication Techniques to Instantly Connect with Anyone
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could instantly connect with anyone you wanted to? Just imagine how much your life would improve. You’d have no problem asking your boss for a rise. You’d bond immediately with a first date. Family problems would be solved. You’d have a superpower! I might be exaggerating slightly, but there’s a good reason why we should improve our communication techniques. “The single biggest problem in communication ... 
Finding Your Centre
Fellow Travellers, These trying times require us to manage our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health so we can stay as centred as possible during these transitional times. It's time to now take full responsibility for every aspect of our lives. We can no longer deflect and project our fears, insecurities and ignorance onto others to try and feel better about ourselves. Continuing to do so will only create further suffering. The journey is an inward one and the external reality but a mir... 
The “Bigger Picture” Soar Fest
Divine Ones, We greet you in love! We are so joyful at the opportunity to come together, now, and co-create. There is great potential right now in your world for new forms to be created. New ways of being. New ways of connecting. New ways of sharing and new ways of seeing one another. So much has been dismantled this past year. So much has been put on pause and it has gone on long enough that patterns and habits have been dissolved. This creates a powerful opening and one that we would... 
The Fastest Track to the Fifth Dimension
We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been continuing to recognize the role that humanity is playing in this ascension journey for the entire universe, and we are not alone in that recognition. There are so many beings and collectives who look upon you as the pioneers, as the ones who will take us all to a much more expanded version of reality because of that you have agreed to endure. We look upon you with such a sen... 
The Cultivation of your Being
Thought Adjuster: “Each person possesses an inner compass that constantly points to the path of truth and also helps you to not be deceived by the falsehood and confusions that reign in this world. Those human beings who learn to cultivate their inner life become increasingly immune to the external influences that may lead them away from their true purpose and the full enjoyment of th... 
Demons now materializing in start of epic war against humanity
As we are seeing in widely shared media reports and surveillance photos, humanoid-shaped demons are now increasingly materializing as a run-up to Satan's war against humanity. Corporations like Nike are openly promoting "Satan shoes" that are covered in Satanic imagery and claim to contain one drop of actual human blood. Hollywood and the music industry are doubling down on their open worship of Lucifer, and the DEMONcrats are making sure that open borders child traffickin... 
Let Go
Remember; when you have those all-consuming moments of not-so-good, it is The Universe telling you, “understand this human emotion, learn from it then let it go”. If it does not serve you, there is no reason to hold it close to your heart. Creator. ... 
By consciously working with the incoming energies we have the opportunity to bring a deeper balance to our heads and our hearts. As a result, we are gaining access to a deeper level of our soul and the wisdom it contains. However, we must be careful that we are not allowing ancient fears to cloud our intuition. These fears lurk in our subconscious mind and can sabotage our healing and our growth. That which has been deeply hidden within is emerging to be seen. As such core wounds have been activated triggering... 
Giant wings are all around
Greetings beloveds on ascending Gaia. We are the Archangelic Collective. You likely feel as a little boat on a rocky sea, navigating the winds and waves, the currents, the unexpected gusts. No storm lasts forever. Calm seas with gentle breezes are ahead of humanity. But in this now you are here to navigate the currents as the masters that you are. You are not here to be comfortable. You are here to be strong. And you are strong. We say this while wiping a few tears from our eye... 
We Don’t Need More Civics, We Need More Basics
We Don’t Need More Civics, We Need More Basicsby Steve BeckowMarch 30, 2021 *Credit:* I contend here that we don’t need more civics in our schools to repair our world. We need more basics. What are the basics? Matters like: (1) We all are the same God-Soul incarnated in illusory materiality, which ultimately disappears like smoke, leaving the Truth revealed. All of us are on a journey from God to God, from ignorance to knowledge, from darkness unto Light. (2) The world of matter (mater, Mother) is an educational domain in which we learn what we are not and what we... 
The April 2021 Energies
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very happy with the way that humanity has been progressing in the past several weeks, as we have noticed a huge uptick in the number of people there on Earth who are willing to look within themselves. We understand that there’s a great deal of temptation for all of you to look outside of yourselves. Never before on your planet has it been easier to do that, especially with all of the technology t... 


A Chama Violeta - A Verdade Libertar-nos-á.

Esquema Rockefeller-Biden que se desmorona à medida que o mundo o evita
O golpe levado a cabo nos Estados Unidos pela família Rockefeller e pelo seu Conselho de Escravos das Relações Exteriores está a desmoronar-se à medida que o mundo se afasta desta família do crime hediondo. Após a saída de Donald Trump, há um consenso crescente entre a elite do poder de que a falsa presidência de Joe Biden se está a tornar um filme de catástrofe. É por isso que uma terceir... 
As pessoas mais amorosas, generosas e compassivas que você vivenciará em sua existência no plano terrestre são aquelas que “estiveram lá, fizeram aquilo”. Elas caminharam no fogo, carregam cicatrizes profundas e conhecem intimamente a dor da perda, do abuso e da traição … mas ainda estão dispostas a estender a mão e oferecer ajuda, independentemente da circunstância. Por que? Elas conhecem o lado sombrio e o que ele faz, mas também sabem que uma chama ainda está tremeluzindo bem no ... 
Compartilho como percebo em mim mudanças na percepção sobre crenças. Crenças são sistemas energéticos que nos mantém em certas frequências vibracionais. O processo de reconhecimento e desapego de crenças nos remete ao mistério da divindade que Somos e à convicção interna na inclusão universal, rompendo a separação perpetuada pela solidão cósmica e fantasia de que o paraíso não é aqui, mas lá. Essa semana, ao escrever “Desses milagres que nossos mentores são capazes de materializar”, a... 
A Humanidade e TODA a Vida em evolução nesta doce Terra estão no meio do mais intenso processo de purificação já vivenciado por nós até esta data. A Intenção Divina deste processo intensificado de limpeza é ajudar a Humanidade a passar muito mais rapidamente por esta faceta do Plano Divino em andamento, de modo que possamos abrir o caminho para o cumprimento do Plano Divino para 2021. Esta Missão envolve a cocriação de um Campo Quântico de Amor Divino Abrangedor, sem precedentes, o ... 
As energias desta Lua Cheia foram construídas em direção a uma liberação poderosa. Nesse período, emoções não resolvidas vêm à tona, trazendo novos insights para os desafios e dificuldades que enfrentamos. Quaisquer desequilíbrios dentro de nós estão se tornando mais aparentes, oferecendo a oportunidade de começarmos a retificar o equilíbrio interno. Antes que possamos equilibrar nosso mundo externo, nosso mundo interno precisa de atenção. À luz desta Lua Cheia, voc... 
Todos vocês fazem parte do grande ciclo - nascimento, vida, morte e renascimento. As lições de cada experiência são de grande valor em profundidade, amplitude e escopo. Aprenda, aprenda, aprenda e cresça! ... 
Apenas ser
Saudações, meus amados! Estamos felizes em estar de volta convosco após um breve hiato. Neste momento sentimos a necessidade de falar sobre algo bastante simples. Com as muitas complexidades do mundo de hoje, sentimos que a simplicidade pode ser como uma lufada de ar fresco. Foi-vos continuamente dito para irem para dentro e deixar que o coração fale a verdade. No entanto, estais recebendo quantidades extremas de informações sobre o futuro do planeta de muitas fontes brilhantes - mais do que nunc... 
É mais um lindo dia no que está se tornando novamente, seu paraíso - planeta Terra, e estamos muito satisfeitos em nos conectar com vocês neste dia magnífico que Deus providenciou. Sim, você e a Terra estão aumentando sua consciência. Você está se movendo para um novo reino vibracional de paz, de alegria, de riso de união e comunhão com você mesmo, sua própria Alma e com as Almas de seus irmãos. Como Paul Selig, o renomado canalizador, e seus Guias dizem: “Você é livre, você é ... 
O controle das trevas está no fim
Saudações, Sou Ashtar e estou feliz por estar aqui hoje e compartilhar esta mensagem convosco. Gostaria de informar Meus irmãos que minha frota e o resto dos membros da Federação Galáctica da Luz estão trabalhando na remoção permanente das almas corrompidas desta parte da Galáxia. Temos lidado e lutado com as Forças das Trevas diariamente, com Reptilianos, Dracos e outros, que entretêm as Trevas dentro deles e te... 
Mãe, como devo proceder? 27 de março de 2021
É proceder com a mais feroz bondade, com a mais suave força, com a mais agressiva compaixão, com a doçura do amor. A Mãe Divina fala como "Mãe, como devo proceder?" Esta joia inspiradora é amorosamente compartilhada por Andrew em sua leitura pessoal com Linda Dillon. Saudações, eu sou Maria, sou Maré, Mãe Universal, Mãe Divina, Mãe da Esperança, Mãe da Mudança, Mãe do Um, e sim, filho amado, Mãe de ti. Dou um passo à frente - sim, todos estão presentes - mas eu d... 
Siga Seu Coração
Eu sou Judas e hoje quero apenas enviar uma saudação a todas as pessoas do mundo que estão atualmente na Terra. É um momento desafiador para muitos de vocês, mas vocês estão crescendo incrivelmente em força e poder. Vocês começam a perceber que é junto, em grupos pequenos ou grandes, que muita coisa pode acontecer e que é quando vocês podem fazer suas vozes serem ouvidas. É quando vocês trabalham pela paz e pelo amor a todas as pessoas ao seu redor que suas vozes ganham ... 


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Ben Fulford: Rockefeller-Biden Scam Falling Apart As World Shuns It
The coup carried out in the United States by the Rockefeller family and their Council on Foreign Relations slaves is falling apart as the world shuns this heinous crime family. Following the exit of Donald Trump, there is a growing consensus among the power elite that Joe Biden’s fake presidency is becoming a disaster movie. That is why a third alternative is being worked on at the highest levels of world power...
And Still
The most loving, giving and compassionate people you will experience in your Earth plane existence are the ones that have ‘been there, done that’. They have walked through fire, bear deep scars and know the pain of loss, abuse and betrayal intimately……yet they are still willing to extend their hand and offer assistance regardless of the circumstance. Why? They know the dark side and what it does, but they also know that a flame is still flickering deep within and, once it has been fanned, can c...
The energies of this Full Moon have been building towards a powerful release. Within this time unresolved emotions have been surfacing bringing new insight to the challenges and difficulties we face. Any imbalances within us are becoming more apparent offering the opportunity for us to begin to rectify the balance within. Before we can balance our external world, our internal world needs attention. In the light of this Full Moon, you can expect sudden realisations to occur that reveal where the imba...
Egyptian Authorities Planned to Unload the Ever Given, Now Sailing Again
This is not the latest story. A later story appears below it. The point of reproducing it is to cover President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi’s intention to offload the containers. What would they find if they did? That intention may or may not have been overtaken by events, the ship having been refloated. Evergreen is said to be a joint partnership of the Clinton Foundation and Walmart. Ship Stuck In Suez Canal: All The Latest Efforts To Free The Ever Given Carlie Porterfield, Forbes...
Our Bodies, Our Selves
This week, the UK Parliament voted by an overwhelming majority to renew the Coronavirus Act, giving the government wartime powers to pass laws without going through Parliament – or indeed allowing any sort of independent debate. This doesn’t seem to make sense. Cases and deaths from Covid have fallen precipitously in the UK. Some 40 percent of the UK population have now been vaccinated, about a third of the population have been exposed to it in all forms and 80 percen...
Message from the Fates
The equinox last week was so very powerful and it feels like a huge shift has taken place. Time feels to have sped up even more and with it the energy we are receiving. It’s like the gloves are off. No more pulling punches. The energies are twisting and turning us every which way and inside out. So much is changing so quickly. I decided to journey with the intent to understand what it is that we need to know to hopefully gain a greater understanding of the energies and where we are headed as an ascending group. I turn...
The Great Awakening is Upon Us
Logical thinking and connecting all known dots, learns the following conclusion; Every ship that sails through the Suez Canal has a recognised and experienced pilot on board who takes over the captain’s authority. The pilot is in the WH plot to ground the boat. And the tub boats’ name is Barak 1! Is that a coincidence? Presumably not. Now, all or many containers have to be taken off board to re-float the boat by losing weight. Meanwhile, the MSM has also reported, and when soon children come out of the contain...
The present moment
Dear Ones, more and more you are being redirected back into your Now moment. You may experience this as not knowing what your next steps are or how to proceed. While this may seem frustrating to you, it is actually serving you in a very profound way. It is causing you to focus on the only thing you do know for sure, which is your present moment. The present moment is your power base. It is where all your future moments are born from. It is the womb of all creation. So rather than resist, why not explore your N... 
A Vision for the Release of Outdated Systems
Here's the first of several Visions from Carol Bennett that came to her while viewing a photo of the Crop Circle hieroglyphs at Milk Hill in Southwest England. Thank You, Carol! She says:* I see those who have experienced heartfelt struggles from living in a society based on duality releasing the past, aligning with life, and integrating new effective tools into their lives. I see the highest good in the forefront of everyone's hearts, minds and actions. I see their highest light r...
Your Faith and Trust in The One God
The Beloved: “The deeply felt desires of your heart are known to Me, and the aspiration to leave this world a better place lives in the hearts of many people. “This will someday become a collective desire, which will then verily catapult this picturesque small orb into Light and life. “Until this is brought about, much work remains to be done. “Right now, your planet is still in the barbaric stages, where brothers fight and ki...


Que semana de fabulosa energia, embora você possa não estar sentindo isso ainda. Essa quantidade de energia pode fazer com que você se sinta cansado, desequilibrado e ansioso, ao mesmo tempo que você possa se sentir positivo, com uma vibração elevada, motivado e muito energizado. É mais como uma montanha-russa de energia em que vivemos agora. Isto fica melhor, mas às vezes é difícil. A lua cheia desta semana será uma grande oportunidade para ficar cara a cara com nossas feridas, traum... 
FORÇA CRIATIVAEscritos do CriadorAtravés de Jennifer FarleyTradução Adriano Pereiraa 27 de março de 2021 Imagine que você é uma graciosa dançarina movendo-se no palco com uma música criada e escrita por você. A escolha do estilo, público e decoração são todos criação sua. O tenor, alegre ou sombrio, é definido por você. Você é a força criativa suprema ... é assim que sua vida deve ser! ... 
 Seja mais gentil consigo mesmo! Os outros não têm ideia do poder de seus pensamentos e sentimentos e, às vezes, nas águas turvas das emoções humanas, você pode ser pego pelas expectativas, desejos e pensamentos dos outros, sobrepondo-se aos seus. Limpe-se e pergunte-se o que realmente deseja para si mesmo e sua vida. Em seguida, peça a seus anjos para agora ajudarem a guiá-lo com sinais que você possa entender e saber, sem dúvida, que vieram deles. Conforme...
Temos o prazer de nos conectar com você e com todos vocês. Temos navegado em uma onda de êxtase neste momento atual porque estamos muito emocionados por ter essas oportunidades de compartilhar com vocês um pouco de quem e o que somos. Gostaríamos muito de ver todos vocês sentindo o menor entusiasmo em compartilhar quem e o que são uns com os outros. Não estamos falando sobre suas crenças, suas visões pol...


Estamos conectados a tudo no Universo. Não há nada do qual não façamos parte; tudo flui através de nós e para nós. Nossas energias, nossos pensamentos e nossas palavras fluem através de toda a vida, na Terra e em outros lugares.

Não existe um fim para nós, nem um começo, mas um fluxo contínuo de vida, mudando constantemente de forma. Estamos continuamente aperfeiçoando nossa forma a cada encarnação, seja como elemento, planta, animal, ser humano, estrela ou...


Tags: conectadosgillian macbeth-louthanpalavrasvida 



Meus queridos amigos, nós os amamos muito

À medida que sua Terra continua a renascer, desejamos-lhe uma consciência de sua incrível liberdade. Cada um de vocês, independentemente das circunstâncias externas, está livre para sintonizar a sua energia para atrair e permitir a vida que deseja.

Quando você se concentra, em seu mundo interior, nas coisas que você aprecia e lhe dão alegria, nas pessoas com quem você ressoa, nas causas que você admira,...


Tags: ann alberscertofelizmensagem dos anjosos anjos


Siga Seu Coração

Eu sou Judas e hoje quero apenas enviar uma saudação a todas as pessoas do mundo que estão atualmente na Terra. É um momento desafiador para muitos de vocês, mas vocês estão crescendo incrivelmente em força e poder. Vocês começam a perceber que é junto, em grupos pequenos ou grandes, que muita coisa pode acontecer e que é quando vocês podem fazer suas vozes serem ouvidas. É quando vocês trabalham pela paz e pelo amor a todas...


Tags: ann dahlbergemocoesjudas escariotjudas iscariotlar da luzmudarorientacao interior



Pensamos em enviar o nosso primeiro youtube para vocês.

O vídeo acima foi o primeiro vídeo que fizemos. Fizemo-lo há um ano atrás, no dia 18 (amanhã) mesmo no início da pandemia.

Daí até agora Muitas vidas mudaram muito.  E não fazemos ideia de quanto mais as nossas vidas Mudarão, e mudarão e mudarão?

Ou se calhar, as nossas vidas não mudarão, mas já é muito tarde para pensar isso, pois as mudançasJá estão a...


Tags: comeofamlia galcticamae gaiamudanacso agorasuzanne lie



Estamos utilizando a sabedoria compassiva e atemporal das Mensagens do Arcanjo Gabriel para fornecer uma visão e inspiração que podemos aplicar todos os dias de nossas vidas.

Para a edição desta semana, a mensagem do Arcanjo Gabriel está nos informando que as Dimensões Angélicas estão aqui para nos apoiar, quando estamos dispostos a deixar o medo ir e nos abrir para sua ajuda.

Mensagem do Arcanjo Gabriel...


Tags: anjos de luzarcanjo gabrielinspiracaoinspirarrespeite-seshanta gabriel



Olá, querido!

Obrigada por juntar-se a nós para o nosso vlog semanal.

Ainda estamos sendo abençoados pelo incrível influxo de Luz que a Mãe Terra e toda a vida em evolução sobre ela receberam durante o Equinócio de março. A Luz preparou o caminho para a próxima etapa do nosso Processo de Ascensão.

Hoje nos uniremos à Companhia do Céu na cocriação do impulso inicial para um Campo Quântico de Amor Divino, que sustentará permanentemente a Consciência Unitária no coração...


Tags: amor divinocampo qunticococriarconscinciaeu soueventos celestiaisintegrarmodelopatrcia cota-roblespatricia cota-roblesunidade


Por que todo mundo no Texas não está morrendo após fim dos bloqueios e restrições?

Eu estou sentado em um bar no Texas, cercado por pessoas sem máscara, olhando as pessoas nas ruas andando como se a vida fosse normal, conversando com rostos simpáticos e amigáveis, sentindo como se as coisas no mundo fossem mais ou menos normais.  Os casos e mortes atribuídos a Covid estão, como em qualquer outro lugar, caindo  dramaticamente. Se você prestar atenção apenas às campanhas de medo...


Tags: bloqueioscampanhas de medocontrolefim dos bloqueiosimposicaojeffrey a. tuckerliberdadementirassem mascaratexasvrus


Diretor da Lockheed menciona desenvolvimento de espaçonave que altera o espaço-tempo

Outro diretor da Lockheed Skunk Works menciona desenvolvimento de espaçonave com uma unidade de propulsão que altera o espaço e o tempo. 

No vídeo de 1min 14 seg (abaixo), o ex-Diretor de Sistemas Avançados da Lockheed Skunk Works, Steve Justice, descreve uma tecnologia de propulsão avançada (ou melhor, uma tecnologia usada em naves tipo UFO-OVNI de extraterrestres e também serve para teletransporte). 



Tags: alterararjunarjun waliadiretor da lockheedespao-tempoespaonavesexopoliticalockheed martinprojetos secretos



E se pudéssemos transformar completamente o mundo para que pudéssemos experimentar a verdadeira liberdade e oportunidade como nunca antes?

O filme de 2011 "THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?" fez essa pergunta e desvendou os obstáculos e a oportunidade entre nós e um mundo verdadeiramente próspero.

Tornou-se um dos documentários mais vistos da história, com mais de 90 milhões de visualizações em 27 idiomas!



Tags: amor incondicionalbem-estarcrescimento espiritualcuradinamica espiritualegoinspiracaointuitivolei dliberdadeowen k watersowen waterspensamentosaudevelocidadevitalidade



Você nunca vai chegar ao fim de sua lista de desejos!

Cada vez que um desejo nasce dentro de você e você se alinha com o sentimento dele (não o sentimento de ausência dele), ele fluirá facilmente para a sua experiência.

Extraído de Sacramento, CA em 01/03/14

Nosso Amor.



Tags: abraham e jerryesther ricksos abrahamtoques de amor



Serão momentos emocionantes na Terra, porque os seres humanos estão começando a perceber que deve haver mais do que aquilo que os olhos veem.

E é tão verdade, meus queridos amigos, há muito mais do que aparenta.

A verdade encontra o coração primeiro, e então ela pode ser encontrada com os olhos.

Ela encontra primeiro o coração e então pode ser encontrada pelo ouvido.

Isso significa...


Tags: dr. peeblesorientacao atemporalsummer bacon


Insider denuncia uso de Tecnologia de Controle Individual Total pelo DNA

Recentemente, outro corajoso insider e denunciante avançou para expor a verdade. Bryan Kofron (que antes usava o apelido de Justin Carter) é um especialista em segurança que trabalhava para uma empresa de segurança privada SIS (Security Industry Specialists) em Seattle, Washington. Ele desistiu depois de perceber que sua ex-empresa, e outros simplesmente gostavam e usavam ativamente essa chamada Tecnologia de controle individual total pelo DNA para atingir as pessoas,...


Tags: adnbryan kofronciacontrolecontrole total,  denunciante,  dnagoogle,  insider,  ressonancia,  segredos,  segurana privada



O amor está sempre presente. Em qualquer situação, em cada desafio.
O amor é a base de tudo. ⠀
Quando você escolher focar a sua consciência no centro de qualquer energia, o amor será revelado.
Quando você se sintonizar no âmago da questão - no ponto mais central de luz - aí você encontrará o amor. ⠀
O amor está agora e sempre esteve disponível para você por meio de sua consciência do momento presente....


Tags: arcanjo miguelmelanie beckler


The Mother Queen’s Gambit

The Mother, Shakti, Mare’ (the Ocean of Love)

When I read Lynne McTaggart’s account of the erosion of civil rights in England under the excuse of a Covid response, (1) it was as if it all became, at that moment, a chess game that I was watching.

The cabal makes a move; the Alliance counters it.  The cabal makes a move….

At that moment I became removed from it all. Prior to that moment, in the face of the news of each new outrage by the cabal – anal swabs, mandated vaccinations, immune passports – I chose to get involved, take it on, and feel outraged.

And if I remembered not to get involved, I’d refrain for a moment and then begin again.

But now I could stand back (Michael has been asking me to do this for years) and observe.

Heavens, we know the outcome.

Team Light ends the conflict that team dark began. Team dark comes over to the Light or leaves. This period is unique in history in that the darkness is being left behind as the planet ascends.

I remind us again of what...   


Let go of fear and be led by the Angels of Light.

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel is letting us know that the Angelic Dimensions are here to support us, when we are willing to let go of fear and open to their assistance.

The Gabriel Message Card for this week

To me, this message represents the epitome of Faith and the essence of Archangel Gabriel's teachings. It provides a coaching for the correct attitude to hold as we take our first steps into the unknown promise of our lives.
I clearly remember receiving this imagery in meditation. It is part of the practice Archangel Gabriel gave me that is available in the expanded message below. It is very unusual for me to have this memory, but the receiving of this message was a profoundly visceral experience. I had a perception of vastness...

Tags: acceptanceangels of lightarchangel gabrieldifferencesfreedominspirationshanta gabriel

The One Law of Creation 2

In last week's article (The Secret of the A-U-M), the single, all-inclusive Law of Creation was summarized as:
"The universe is one conscious being, observing the effects of its own thoughts, feelings and actions from all possible viewpoints."
Within its definition, this law includes these underlying concepts:
1) Everything in the universe is made of consciousness. Therefore, every object in the universe is conscious to some degree.
2) Life is the interaction of thought and feeling through constant change.
3) For the universe to remain in balance, its nature has to be perfectly reflective. This means that all actions are counter-balanced by opposite and equal reactions. This Principle of Reflectance is the foundation of the traditional concept of Karma and also the Third Law of Motion in physics, which says, "To every action there is an equal reaction in the opposite direction."
4) The One, or Infinite Being, is all things and, also, each individual is essentially the One.
This last concept is one that can really...

Tags: consciousnessgatewayinfinite beingjoylovenutritionowen k watersowen watersspiritualspiritual consciousnessspiritual dynamics


In black=Federation of Light 
In grey=Blossom Goodchild

Dearest Blossom, we very much look forward to these discussions. We understand that each week you are hoping that something MAJOR will have taken place, in order to amp up the Energy and to dismiss all thoughts of ‘The waiting Game’ etc. Is this not so?

Well, how nice that would be and maybe one day … SOON … this may well be the case. Due to the varied concerns within emails received, I said to my husband, ‘Oh, this world is such a mess!’ to which he replied in his laidback fashion, ‘And that’s why we’re here!’ So simple, so True, so easy to lose sight of! I Love that man!

Wise words indeed. You are here for the ALL of it. Not just to correct this or that. Not just to bring Truths of what have been deeply hidden to the surface. Not just to change the Vibration of the Planet. Not for just one particular thing. You are in for the long haul.



Tags: blossom goodchildfederation of lightlight


Lisa Renee: “As a result of current shifts, all people are being pushed to recognize and feel the differences between the authentic core self and the false identities used to mask pain and trauma.
The false self or the false identity is usually formed to generate inner walls in our Unconscious Mind as a result of unhealed painful Trauma and fears. This wall of separation that exists between our unconscious mind and Conscious Mind hides secret negative beliefs or internal fears that we have collected about ourselves as the result of how we perceived life experiences.
For some people, these deeply buried fears and pain are so devastating that they avoid addressing them, as they can sink them into a dark abyss of emotional pain that they do not know how to cope with. To hide from this emotional pain, they develop coping mechanisms to help them better survive in the 3D world of obligations and stress, while living in a culture that emphasizes escapism, which is pain and fear avoidance.
People in pain form opposite sets of compensating behaviors, which means they act out...

Tags: ashtarathenadivine beingivoivo of vegasharon stewartvega


It is another beautiful day in what is becoming again, your paradise - planet earth, and we are very pleased to connect with you on this magnificent day that God has provided.
Yes, you and the earth are raising in consciousness. You are moving into a new vibrational realm of peace, of joy, of laughter of union and communion with yourself, your own Soul and with the Souls of your brethren. As Paul Selig, the renowned channeler, and his Guides say, “You are free, you are free you are free.”
You are at last free of the perception deception you have lived under for so long. You are free of the limiting thoughts and ideas you held about yourself. You are free of the behavior that resulted from that limiting knowledge.
Knowledge is power. How you know yourself is how you express yourself, how you behave and how you are. Hitherto you have been taught you are small and incapable of thinking for yourself. And so, you have behaved in a small, incapable and limiting way.
You have felt, and so you...

Tags: aitaascension processgentlerhigher selfkinderknowledgepower

The Great Cycle

You are all part of the great cycle – birth, life, death and rebirth. 
The lessons from each experience are of great value in depth, breadth and scope. 
Learn, learn, learn and grow! 

Tags: creatorcreator writingsgreat cyclejennifer farleypersonal powerthe creator


Dear readers, we greet you with love and light.
Although it doesn’t look that way, increasingly more outgrown and low resonating energies now present on earth are beginning to transmute to a higher resonance, one that flows in and on streams of love. All is proceeding according to plan.
It is important to have attained a consciousness of spiritual trust. “Do I really believe that One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Source/ Consciousness/God is all there is? If so, could anything exist outside of IT? Where could anything unlike IT come from if IT is omnipresent?” Omnipresence automatically eliminates there being any reality to duality and separation. Bring this knowledge into every facet of your life where it can then grow, expand, and eventually become your state of consciousness where trust is automatic.
It is tempting even for the very evolved to slip into fears that arise from outer appearances but never doubt that the Divine Plan is solidly in place. You the awakened ones, are today’s spiritual warriors simply because you carry the Light of truth in consciousness....

Tags: absence of lightarcturian groupdense energyemotionsenergyforgivenessfrequencieslight flowsmarilyn raffaeleresonancesourcespiritualspirituallytrue essence

Would your Rather be Happy or Right?

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
As you earth continues to rebirth itself we wish for you an awareness of your incredible freedom. Each one of you regardless of external circumstances is free to tune your energy to attract and allow the life you want. When you focus, in your inner world, on the things that you appreciate and give you joy, on the people you resonate with, the causes you admire, in this joyous space of thinking about what makes you happy and inspires you, you begin to draw it to you.
You have, however, been taught to place an inordinate amount of focus on the external world. We know you must focus on the external when it must be dealt with and we celebrate your focus upon all that you enjoy within it. However, if you start to think of your life force – your attention and energy – as your most precious resources, then you will start to become a bit more discerning about how you use your focus.
One of the...

Tags: ann albersdivine lovegreatest peacehappymany truthsmessage from the angelsmy truthofferingremain silentthe angels

Just be

Greetings, Beloved Ones! We are happy to be back with you after a brief hiatus.

At this time we feel the need to speak about something quite simple. With the many complexities in the world today, we feel that simplicity might be as a breath of fresh air.

You have continually been told to go within and let your heart speak your truth. Yet you are being given extreme amounts of information concerning the future of the planet from many brilliant sources – more than has ever been told before – to the extent that the whole picture can become overwhelmingly confusing. How much can the conscious brain-mind really comprehend of all this?

It can also be difficult to process what is the ‘now’ and what is the ‘then’ – they are so strongly intertwined! Adding to the confusion is the fact that the aspect of ‘time’ is totally different between the two different time periods. Also, add to that the fact that the 3D Earth human cannot truly know something until it has been experienced — and the future 5D world has not yet been...

Tags: beth stormontgalactic fleet commandjust be

Mother, How shall I Proceed?

It is to proceed with the fiercest kindness, with the gentlest strength, with the most aggressive compassion, with the sweetness of love.
Divine Mother speaks to “Mother, how shall I proceed?”
This inspirational gem is lovingly shared by Andrew from his personal reading with Linda Dillon.
Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare, Universal Mother, Divine Mother, Mother of Hope, Mother of Change, Mother of One, and yes, beloved son, Mother of thee.
I step forward – yes, all are in attendance – but I step forward this day in gentle embrace, in enduring love, in stalwart service to embrace you, to hold you, to reassure you. This is a time, as I have said, of new beginnings – and yes, you are in the transition, you are in the time in-between the worlds as you might think of it. But while you may be thinking that, understand, my beloved son, the New has already begun.
And you say, “Mother, how shall I proceed?” and this is what I wish to speak to you of. It is to...

Tags: linda dillonmothermother marymother of changemother of constancyproceeduniversal mother mary

We Can Choose to Be Audacious

We Can Choose to Be Audacious…. – Part 1/2

Because I think we’re close to events we’ve been expecting, I’d like to repost an article from 2013, which I think is about to become a lot more relevant very quickly.

The only dimension that’s not very prominent here is the financial. Back then, Kathleen and I were already involved with the arrangements for Pre-NESARA funds, but not to the extent I became in more recent years.

As I said in the article, no one, by this time in my life, had affected me the way Werner had.

If I were to meet him today, I wouldn’t feel it at all inappropriate to say to him, “you gave us a bushel of seeds and I return to you what we have grown with it [GAoG, the databases].” (1)

It wasn’t just his words; it was the context of transformation that he gave us.

So we are making real what Werner says here. Once the Reval hits, I’m going to be reading his words again and again.

I’ve lightly edited this version.

“We Can Choose to Be Audacious….,” Oct....

Tags: audaciouschoosesteve beckow

Sun Conjunct Chiron: Feed the Hungry Horses


On March 29th, 2021 Sun is conjunct Chiron.

Sun conjunct Chiron represents the instinct of the human spirit to manifest itself and leave something immaterial behind. Our spirit seeking manifestation represents our “gift to the world”.

The Sun is our individuality, what makes us unique, our divine mission in this lifetime.

Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus, and is the link between the world as we know it (Saturn) and the mysteries and infinite possibilities of the heavens (Uranus).

Chiron is the archetype of the Wounded Healer because this process of moving from one realm (Saturn) to another (Uranus) requires a certain vulnerability and exposure. When you get out of your comfort zone (Saturn) something has to break.

Chiron’s orbit is very elliptical. Chiron can spend as little as one year and a half in some signs (Libra) and as long as 8 years in others (Aries). Chiron is a non-conformist and Chiron in your chart shows where you are a non-conformist, too (even if this lack of conformism makes you feel odd at times).

Sun conjunct Chiron is the compelling drive to push beyond your...

Tags: astro butterflychirongreatest gifthungry hotses

You Can't Not Care

It's impossible not to care
You can't not care.
You can't not feel involved.
You can't not try to understand.
It can't not affect you.
Everything affects you. You're affected by everything everyone else does.
Why? Because we are all One. That's why you can't just say, “Go away,” and ignore it.
Sometimes you deal in superficialities just as an escape. You watch comedy on youtube. It really has no other meaning except something superficial. God forbid you come across a guy like George Carlin because he gives you too much to think about in his messages.
This is the normal state of a human being: very connected to others and thinking deeply. Imagine having an IQ ten times what we have here on earth, that's what the galactics have – an IQ that's in the thousands. They are also connected to so many more dimensions than we are, and are connected to the minds of everyone else. All you need do is think of them and the line is open. I experience some of that with my implant.
I believe...

Tags: careeveryoneeverythingivoivo of veganot caresharon stewartvega


Be kinder to yourselves! 
Others have no idea the power of their thoughts and feelings and sometimes in the murky waters of human emotions, you can get caught up in the expectations, wants, and thoughts of others over your own. 
Clear yourself, and ask yourself what you truly want for yourself and your life. 
Then ask your angels to help guide you with signs you can understand right now, and know, without a doubt, that they came from them.”
As you go about your day, the signs will be there to help guide your way.
Thought for today: 
Angels send me the signs to let me know that I am on the right path and the next best step for me to take today as I go about my day and let there be no doubt that these signs came straight from you to me!


And so it is


Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphornsigns

Are You Living in an A.I. Simulation?

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are exploring the galaxy with all of you because we are curious beings, and so are you. You are there because you are curious, not because you are being punished, not because you are needed, and not because you made a wrong turn during your last death experience. You are there by choice, and those of you who are on Earth at this time wanted to see how far you could get from the truth of who you really are before the pendulum swung in the other direction and you began to make some serious progress in the evolution of your consciousness.
That’s where you are right now. You’re on an upswing; you are getting to the promised land, and you are making progress with the help of your fellow travelers. We know that you have often felt that you are trapped there on Earth, that you are part of a karmic cycle and that you are seeking to get...

Tags: a.i.a.i. simulationaiarcturian councildaniel scrantonlivingsimulation 

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