Earthbound Perceptions of the Fifth Dimensions.
Message from the Arcturians.
Through Suzanne Lie.
June 9, 2019.

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today? Yes, we the Arcturians, have messages for everyone on every day. However, dear grounded ones, Earth is a “free will planet.” Therefore, if you wish to communicate with your greater Galactic Family, you will need to ask.
It is the act of asking for assistance from your higher dimensional family that opens the two-way portal between your third/fourth-dimensional reality and our fifth dimensional, and beyond, dimensional family.
Yes, our family of Light Beings is ready to answer any calls from their friends and family who have bravely chosen to take an earth vessel during the challenging times of your planetary challenges. Fortunately, we, the members of your Galactic Family, see that more and more of our “volunteers to Gaia” are beginning to remember their true, inter-dimensional and multidimensional SELF.
Of course, the memory of an inter-dimensional message from your higher-dimensional SELF will swiftly disappear from your third-dimensional awareness. Therefore, we remind you within this NOW to please remember to document any messages that you receive from the higher dimensions.
Yes, we hear you ask, “How do I know that I have received a higher dimensional message?” The answer to that question is that you allow your Heart and Mind to merge into the ONE of your fifth-dimensional SELF. However, we, your Galactic Family, realize how difficult it can be to begin and end your day with a short, or long, conscious connection with your own higher dimensional SELF.
When you chose to take an earth vessel on Gaia during this NOW, you may or may not have remembered the many challenges that you would face during an incarnation on Earth when the Gaia’s energy fields are so complex, somewhat frightening, and yet, filled with the essence of your true Multidimensional SELF.
In fact, more and more of our brave ones who took an embodiment during this NOW of great planetary change, are beginning to remember their meetings with their Higher SELF, as well as with other members of their Galactic Family.
We, the members of your Galactic Family, are aware of the process of the awakening and expansion of your higher dimensional connections. This awakening is very important because it allows you to receive and understand more and more fifth-dimensional, and multidimensional aspects of your Multidimensional SELF.
However, even with the greater awakening of your “Awareness of SELF,” it can still be difficult to receive and interpret the fifth/and higher Interdimensional Messages that more and more of you are beginning, or have already learned/remembered, how to receive.
“Why is it difficult to receive a fifth-dimensional message?”
Part of that answer is that instead of hearing a mess
Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today? Yes, we the Arcturians, have messages for everyone on every day. However, dear grounded ones, Earth is a “free will planet.” Therefore, if you wish to communicate with your greater Galactic Family, you will need to ask.
It is the act of asking for assistance from your higher dimensional family that opens the two-way portal between your third/fourth-dimensional reality and our fifth dimensional, and beyond, dimensional family.
Yes, our family of Light Beings is ready to answer any calls from their friends and family who have bravely chosen to take an earth vessel during the challenging times of your planetary challenges. Fortunately, we, the members of your Galactic Family, see that more and more of our “volunteers to Gaia” are beginning to remember their true, inter-dimensional and multidimensional SELF.
Of course, the memory of an inter-dimensional message from your higher-dimensional SELF will swiftly disappear from your third-dimensional awareness. Therefore, we remind you within this NOW to please remember to document any messages that you receive from the higher dimensions.
Yes, we hear you ask, “How do I know that I have received a higher dimensional message?” The answer to that question is that you allow your Heart and Mind to merge into the ONE of your fifth-dimensional SELF. However, we, your Galactic Family, realize how difficult it can be to begin and end your day with a short, or long, conscious connection with your own higher dimensional SELF.
When you chose to take an earth vessel on Gaia during this NOW, you may or may not have remembered the many challenges that you would face during an incarnation on Earth when the Gaia’s energy fields are so complex, somewhat frightening, and yet, filled with the essence of your true Multidimensional SELF.
In fact, more and more of our brave ones who took an embodiment during this NOW of great planetary change, are beginning to remember their meetings with their Higher SELF, as well as with other members of their Galactic Family.
We, the members of your Galactic Family, are aware of the process of the awakening and expansion of your higher dimensional connections. This awakening is very important because it allows you to receive and understand more and more fifth-dimensional, and multidimensional aspects of your Multidimensional SELF.
However, even with the greater awakening of your “Awareness of SELF,” it can still be difficult to receive and interpret the fifth/and higher Interdimensional Messages that more and more of you are beginning, or have already learned/remembered, how to receive.
“Why is it difficult to receive a fifth-dimensional message?”
Part of that answer is that instead of hearing a message in your mind, or via your “eyes” or “ears,” will perceive our inter-dimensional message via your Heart. As many of you are aware, the Heart does NOT communicate via words that are said or written.
Your Heart is the Core of your life force. Therefore when you “believe,” or “wish” to receive a message from a higher dimensional being, you may suddenly find yourself calling deep inside and high above to talk to the Higher Beings.
How do you experience these messages? Our answer would be different for different human beings, as well as different for the different Galactic Beings. However, what all these different forms of Interdimensional Communication have in common, it that you “feel” the resonance of higher-dimensional energy fields.
You may choose to either document these communications, dream these communications, remember these communications, ignore and/or forget these communications. In fact, if you do not document your inter-dimensional communications, and do so when you receive the message or very shortly after, you likely will not remember them.
You see, when you came—were born—into your current earth vessels, it was, and still is, common that you forgot your inter-dimensional messages and experiences. Often, you forget these higher experiences because living two lives (on Earth and in Higher Dimensions) can be far too challenging.
Sometimes you were more able to remember, and continue your higher dimensional communications as a child because it was fine for a child to use their “imagination.” However, these communications are not something that you make up in your imagination. Also, your “imagination” is not just “a fancy of your mind, dreams, or creative acts.”
Imagination is the ability to listen to, feel, communicate and believe that you have the ability to expand your awareness of reality to encompass the higher fourth, fifth, and beyond frequencies of perception, thoughts, communications, and frequencies of reality.
Before we continue, we would like to introduce you to the most commonly perceived Galactics who are wearing earth vessels. We will not give names, yet, as that would only be their human names. Instead, we will remind you to allow your SELF to perceive your own, personal, fifth-dimensional frequencies of your own, innate Galactic SELF.
Yes, if you are drawn to our communications, it is likely that you are either in the process of awakening to or already awakened to, your Galactic SELF. Your Galactic Self may originate from Arcturus, The Pleiades, Antares, as well as from an Ascended Master and/or a member of the Angelic Kingdom.
We Arcturians wish to remind you that many of you who found, and have taken the time to read our message, are also members of those higher dimensional realities who have chosen to take an earth vessel within you NOW.
We say “realities,” rather than “reality” because when you perceive any of these higher dimensional expressions of SELF, you will likely experience a sudden feeling of the NOW within your third-dimensional “time.”
This NOW of the Higher Dimensional Beings is difficult to describe too many of our Earth friends because these Higher Beings resonate beyond what humans would consider to be “time,” “space” and most of your “third-dimensional ideas and perceptions of reality.”
Also, humans on Earth who have not yet fully awakened, are often still bound to the concepts of time and space in the manner in which it is experienced via their physical self.
Your third-dimensional vision of a higher dimensional being is often much that same as if you were deep in the water and looking up at someone floating on the surface of the water, with the light of the Sun just above them. This person may appear as a wavering form that is moving above you.
This type of perception is quite similar to how you, our grounded ones on Earth, perceive the Higher Dimensional Beings. What we are saying is that is that if the grounded one can see the Higher Being at all.
The first visions of the Higher Dimensional Beings will often appear to be far away, wavering, or more like a “strong feeling” than like something the can perceive via the eyes. In fact, the first perceptions of Higher Dimensional Beings are often via the Heart, or when the grounded ones one is “dreaming” or “meditating.”
Also, when you are in a higher state of consciousness, your physical consciousness can more easily perceive the higher light of the higher dimensional realities. We say physical “consciousness” rather than physical “form,” because third-dimensional humans are often not able to perceive any components of their fifth dimension, higher SELF. Part of the reason for this lack of perceptions is because the fifth dimension resonates “beyond time.”
Humanity has been trained, and/or has experienced in life after life, that their physical world is real, and that their higher dimensional perceptions are “just their imagination.” Therefore, there higher dimensional perceptions are NOT real.
This false “truth” was created by humans who did not want other humans to awaken to their higher dimensional perceptions, thoughts, and ideas. Those who wish to maintain their “power over others” do not want humanity to awaken to the greater truths.
On the other hand, there are many higher beings who are loving and kind, such the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Venusian, and the Antarians. All of these Galactics are free of what Earth has known as “time” because they resonate to the timeless fifth dimension and beyond.
The fifth dimension also surrounds Earth, but one must have a consciousness that resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond to be able to understand and accept that concept of a reality that is free of time and space.
The fifth dimension does NOT operate via time and space. First off, time is relational to the size of the Sun that each planet rotates around. If the planet’s Sun is very large, there will not be much “time,” as you know it on your present Earth, as ALL your world would be bright ALL the time. Another important component of the “planetary time” is how long it takes a planet to orbit it’s Sun.”
There are also psychological reasons for different perceptions of time. Often, if you are doing something that you are enjoying, “Time Flies.” But, if you are bored or doing something you do NOT want to do, you can look at your clock and see that much less time has passed than what you thought.
As “time” begins to change because the frequency rate of your Earth has sped up (that is if you still live on Earth) and moves into the fifth dimension, “time” may no longer be considered because humanity will increasingly think and act within the parameters of the NOW.
Your current perspective of your current third-dimensional reality is bound by the “illusion of time.” This perspective of “time” vastly changes if you visit a fifth-dimensional Starship. On a fifth dimensional Starship, which no longer resonates to the illusions of time on third dimensional Earth.
In fact, third dimensional Earth has “time” which is much different from fourth dimensional Earth. Many of you have experienced your “fourth dimensional Earth” when you were doing something that is very creative, takes great concentration, or total focus on what you are doing, rather than how long it will take to do it. You have all had experiences of “time flying” and time “taking forever!”
Also, when you go into a deeply creative or difficult project, you may finally take a minute to look up at the lock and say, “WOW, time flies!” On the other hand, if you are doing something that you do not like to do, you would likely look up and say, “OH NO, time is just crawling by.”
As you can see from the above examples, time is, indeed, an “Illusion of the Third Dimension.” However, some of your third-dimensional illusions, are indeed fifth-dimensional truths. For example, you have looked up into the sky to see a cloud that looks like a Starship. However, is that an illusion of a cloud that looks like a Starship or a Starship that looks like a cloud.
What if you have a dream that you are on a Starship, or flying your own Spaceship? Is that “just a dream,” an “illusion,” or a real reality that your fifth-dimensional SELF sent into your fourth-dimensional sleeping SELF, in hopes that your third-dimensional SELF would remember that dream.
But even if your 3D self remembered the dream, would you be able to believe that that “dream” was actually a “memory” that your 4D dream SELF was sending to your sleeping 3D SELF?
The best answer to that question is –write it down!! If you write down, speak into a recording, or in some way document you “sleeping” experiences, you may well see a pattern or a “hidden message” that will give you the answer to your questions about “What is real and what is my imagination?”
We the Arcturians close these message by saying:
Of course, your imagination may not be REAL to someone else, because it is the belief in the possibility that can make your “dreams be REAL!”
We will see you on our Ship! But, will you think our meeting is real??
Blessings from the Arcturians and your Galactic Family.age in your mind, or via your “eyes” or “ears,” will perceive our inter-dimensional message via your Heart. As many of you are aware, the Heart does NOT communicate via words that are said or written.
Your Heart is the Core of your life force. Therefore when you “believe,” or “wish” to receive a message from a higher dimensional being, you may suddenly find yourself calling deep inside and high above to talk to the Higher Beings.
How do you experience these messages? Our answer would be different for different human beings, as well as different for the different Galactic Beings. However, what all these different forms of Interdimensional Communication have in common, it that you “feel” the resonance of higher-dimensional energy fields.
You may choose to either document these communications, dream these communications, remember these communications, ignore and/or forget these communications. In fact, if you do not document your inter-dimensional communications, and do so when you receive the message or very shortly after, you likely will not remember them.
You see, when you came—were born—into your current earth vessels, it was, and still is, common that you forgot your inter-dimensional messages and experiences. Often, you forget these higher experiences because living two lives (on Earth and in Higher Dimensions) can be far too challenging.
Sometimes you were more able to remember, and continue your higher dimensional communications as a child because it was fine for a child to use their “imagination.” However, these communications are not something that you make up in your imagination. Also, your “imagination” is not just “a fancy of your mind, dreams, or creative acts.”
Imagination is the ability to listen to, feel, communicate and believe that you have the ability to expand your awareness of reality to encompass the higher fourth, fifth, and beyond frequencies of perception, thoughts, communications, and frequencies of reality.
Before we continue, we would like to introduce you to the most commonly perceived Galactics who are wearing earth vessels. We will not give names, yet, as that would only be their human names. Instead, we will remind you to allow your SELF to perceive your own, personal, fifth-dimensional frequencies of your own, innate Galactic SELF.
Yes, if you are drawn to our communications, it is likely that you are either in the process of awakening to or already awakened to, your Galactic SELF. Your Galactic Self may originate from Arcturus, The Pleiades, Antares, as well as from an Ascended Master and/or a member of the Angelic Kingdom.
We Arcturians wish to remind you that many of you who found, and have taken the time to read our message, are also members of those higher dimensional realities who have chosen to take an earth vessel within you NOW.
We say “realities,” rather than “reality” because when you perceive any of these higher dimensional expressions of SELF, you will likely experience a sudden feeling of the NOW within your third-dimensional “time.”
This NOW of the Higher Dimensional Beings is difficult to describe too many of our Earth friends because these Higher Beings resonate beyond what humans would consider to be “time,” “space” and most of your “third-dimensional ideas and perceptions of reality.”
Also, humans on Earth who have not yet fully awakened, are often still bound to the concepts of time and space in the manner in which it is experienced via their physical self.
Your third-dimensional vision of a higher dimensional being is often much that same as if you were deep in the water and looking up at someone floating on the surface of the water, with the light of the Sun just above them. This person may appear as a wavering form that is moving above you.
This type of perception is quite similar to how you, our grounded ones on Earth, perceive the Higher Dimensional Beings. What we are saying is that is that if the grounded one can see the Higher Being at all.
The first visions of the Higher Dimensional Beings will often appear to be far away, wavering, or more like a “strong feeling” than like something the can perceive via the eyes. In fact, the first perceptions of Higher Dimensional Beings are often via the Heart, or when the grounded ones one is “dreaming” or “meditating.”
Also, when you are in a higher state of consciousness, your physical consciousness can more easily perceive the higher light of the higher dimensional realities. We say physical “consciousness” rather than physical “form,” because third-dimensional humans are often not able to perceive any components of their fifth dimension, higher SELF. Part of the reason for this lack of perceptions is because the fifth dimension resonates “beyond time.”
Humanity has been trained, and/or has experienced in life after life, that their physical world is real, and that their higher dimensional perceptions are “just their imagination.” Therefore, there higher dimensional perceptions are NOT real.
This false “truth” was created by humans who did not want other humans to awaken to their higher dimensional perceptions, thoughts, and ideas. Those who wish to maintain their “power over others” do not want humanity to awaken to the greater truths.
On the other hand, there are many higher beings who are loving and kind, such the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Venusian, and the Antarians. All of these Galactics are free of what Earth has known as “time” because they resonate to the timeless fifth dimension and beyond.
The fifth dimension also surrounds Earth, but one must have a consciousness that resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond to be able to understand and accept that concept of a reality that is free of time and space.
The fifth dimension does NOT operate via time and space. First off, time is relational to the size of the Sun that each planet rotates around. If the planet’s Sun is very large, there will not be much “time,” as you know it on your present Earth, as ALL your world would be bright ALL the time. Another important component of the “planetary time” is how long it takes a planet to orbit it’s Sun.”
There are also psychological reasons for different perceptions of time. Often, if you are doing something that you are enjoying, “Time Flies.” But, if you are bored or doing something you do NOT want to do, you can look at your clock and see that much less time has passed than what you thought.
As “time” begins to change because the frequency rate of your Earth has sped up (that is if you still live on Earth) and moves into the fifth dimension, “time” may no longer be considered because humanity will increasingly think and act within the parameters of the NOW.
Your current perspective of your current third-dimensional reality is bound by the “illusion of time.” This perspective of “time” vastly changes if you visit a fifth-dimensional Starship. On a fifth dimensional Starship, which no longer resonates to the illusions of time on third dimensional Earth.
In fact, third dimensional Earth has “time” which is much different from fourth dimensional Earth. Many of you have experienced your “fourth dimensional Earth” when you were doing something that is very creative, takes great concentration, or total focus on what you are doing, rather than how long it will take to do it. You have all had experiences of “time flying” and time “taking forever!”
Also, when you go into a deeply creative or difficult project, you may finally take a minute to look up at the lock and say, “WOW, time flies!” On the other hand, if you are doing something that you do not like to do, you would likely look up and say, “OH NO, time is just crawling by.”
As you can see from the above examples, time is, indeed, an “Illusion of the Third Dimension.” However, some of your third-dimensional illusions, are indeed fifth-dimensional truths. For example, you have looked up into the sky to see a cloud that looks like a Starship. However, is that an illusion of a cloud that looks like a Starship or a Starship that looks like a cloud.
What if you have a dream that you are on a Starship, or flying your own Spaceship? Is that “just a dream,” an “illusion,” or a real reality that your fifth-dimensional SELF sent into your fourth-dimensional sleeping SELF, in hopes that your third-dimensional SELF would remember that dream.
But even if your 3D self remembered the dream, would you be able to believe that that “dream” was actually a “memory” that your 4D dream SELF was sending to your sleeping 3D SELF?
The best answer to that question is –write it down!! If you write down, speak into a recording, or in some way document you “sleeping” experiences, you may well see a pattern or a “hidden message” that will give you the answer to your questions about “What is real and what is my imagination?”
We the Arcturians close these message by saying:
Of course, your imagination may not be REAL to someone else, because it is the belief in the possibility that can make your “dreams be REAL!”
We will see you on our Ship! But, will you think our meeting is real??
Blessings from the Arcturians and your Galactic Family.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:
- https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=Suzanne+Lie
- http://violetflame.biz.ly/cgi-bin/blog?tags=suzanne+lie
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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
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